Qiushan Tao, MD, MS

Qiushan Tao

Co-leader, Data Curation and Management Core, FHS-BAP

Dr. Tao is a senior research scientist and statistician at the Department of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics. He works with the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) and the Laboratory of Molecular Psychiatry in Aging (LMPA) at Boston University Medical Campus (BUMC), where his research focuses on identifying modifiable risk factors associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and the application of his study to the control of the disease. After receiving his clinical education, he was inspired to shift his focus to the epidemiological researches related to neurocognitive disorders. One of his research projects found that the risk of AD is associated with chronic inflammation in ApoE4 carriers (JAMA Network Open 2018, Neurology 2021). His focus on promoting brain health worldwide through collaborative research is underscored by his remarkable dedication to ensuring the reproducibility and reliability of research findings. He is a passionate advocate for team science and open data sharing, in addition to pursuing his own research endeavors.