A call for a Research Funding Application (RFA)
Biomedical Innovation and Technology Affinity Research Collaborative (BIT-ARC)
Deadline: March 10, 2023 Extended to avoid overlap with RO1 deadlines
This research funding opportunity announcement (RFA) invites applications for a Biomedical Innovation and Technology Affinity Research Collaborative (ARC) that will be part of our Evans Center for Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research (ECIBR)/Interdisciplinary Biomedical research Office (IBRO) and the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) initiatives, in collaboration with BU Office of Technology Development (OTD). The ARC should include at least 3 investigators representing different disciplines. Physical, chemical and data science investigators/engineers and biomedical researchers are invited to identify a technology they wish to collaboratively develop to address a biomedical and technology need. Technologies could include the development and/or application of new devices, data and analysis infrastructure, materials or innovative chemical or biological therapeutics, that address unmet needs for the diagnosis, treatment or rehabilitation of patients, especially those served by BU and BMC faculty and staff. Successful projects might be afforded BU guidance towards licensing and commercialization. The hope is for such projects to be developed by the pharmaceutical, materials or device development industries under license to BU or BMC.
An advisory board consisting of faculty from the medical campus and CR campus will be available to provide information on expertise and suggest faculty experts in different domains across the university.
Pre-requisite and Review criteria:
- Self-assembled investigators (at least 3) representing at least 2 different disciplines
- Innovative idea justified by clear articulation of biomedical need
- Available preliminary data/research directions
- Evidence of self-education in area of technology development through participation in Faculty Entrepreneurship/Office of Technology Development (OTD) sponsored tutorial and/or in-person consultation.
Time Line: Applications will be accepted until March 10, 2023
Support and resources:
- The ECIBR and CTSI will jointly support BIT-ARC, with the participation other BU units when the proposal falls within their research mission.
- Up to 75K a year for up to two years, following a review. Applicants will specify how the funds will be used. Funds may be used for supplies, and to support essential research personnel (not faculty) directly pursuing the project, with preference for trainees (also reducing overhead charges)
- We foresee funding 1-2 projects per year, although a greater number might be envisioned depending on participating department and units
- Participation in educational workshops and forums currently available via Faculty Entrepreneurship office
ARC budget and review administration: ECIBR with the CTSI, in collaboration with OTD.
Oversight/review committee: ECIBR director; DOM vice chair for research; CTSI director; Hariri institute director; OTD representative; ad hoc faculty with relevant technical expertise; external reviewer(s) (likely two) recommended by Rana K Gupta, the selection of which will depend on the topic of the application.
Comment: See an inspiring example of collaboration between a medical team and engineers towards technology development: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34654900/.
For inquires, please contact Dr. Katya Ravid (kravid@bu.edu)
Application Forms can be downloaded here: BIT-ARC application form
Please submit your complete application by the deadline to Robin MacDonald at: remac@bu.edu