Virtual MSK Elective
Section of Rheumatology now offering Virtual MSK Elective for URiM medical students and residents.
Dr. Eugene Kissin has created this 1-month Musculoskeletal Examination and Imaging Elective to help overcome the obstacles that URiM medical students and residents may face in getting mentored in joint and soft tissues examination, radiography and ultrasound imaging, as well as foster enthusiasm for a career in rheumatology.
The goal of the training program is to attract URiM residents/medical students to the field of Rheumatology through an intensive, month-long curriculum of training in musculoskeletal anatomy, physical examination, radiography and ultrasound examination through a virtual environment. Participants will be guided through web-based modules in musculoskeletal radiograph interpretation, musculoskeletal ultrasound use, and surface anatomy and musculoskeletal physical examination to be used as part of this curriculum.
Program Highlights
- students receive a handheld ultrasound equipment & iPad
- real-time remote ultrasound and physical examination guidance & feedback
- Independent ultrasound scan review by Dr. Kissin
- anatomy & musculoskeletal radiograph interpretation modules
- musculoskeletal ultrasound modules
- surface anatomy and physical examination modules