Priyanka Ballal in Healio

Warfarin linked to greater hip, knee replacement risk

“Warfarin use was associated with a higher risk for hip and knee replacement compared to [direct oral anticoagulant] use,” Priyanka Ballal, MD, said at a virtual press conference. “This risk appeared to increase with duration of use. This latter observation is extremely relevant, since people with atrial fibrillation often require lifelong anticoagulation.” Source: Adobe Stock

Treatment with warfarin is associated with a significantly greater risk for hip or knee replacement compared with direct oral anticoagulants, according to a speaker at ACR Convergence.

“Over the last decade, we have research from our group at BU that has demonstrated the importance of vitamin K in the adequate functioning of the bone and cartilage,” Priyanka Ballal, MD, a rheumatology fellow at Boston University Medical Center, said at a virtual press conference at the meeting. “Vitamin K deficiency has been associated with osteoarthritis, both incidence and progression, and recent research shows that vitamin K supplementation may reduce osteoarthritis progression.”

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