Manishi Desai, MD (Service Director)
Offers comprehensive medical and surgical diagnosis
for the treatment of the various forms of glaucoma,
as well as treatment of cataracts.
- Visual fields
- Tonometry (multiple types, including abnormal corneas)
- Optic disc, fundus and external photography
- Retinal nerve fiber layer imaging (Spectral domain OCT)
- Anterior segment ultrasound biomicroscopy
- Anterior segment OCT
Treatments Offered:
- Comprehensive medical therapy of glaucoma
- Laser therapy of glaucoma
- Wide range of glaucoma surgery, including trabeculectomy with anti-metabolite therapy and implantation of drainage valves.
- MIGs procedures (minimally invasive glaucoma surgery)
- Cyclodestructive procedures
- Cataract surgery (alone or combined with glaucoma surgery)
For an appointment call:
(617)638-8350 (Boston)
(508)823-7473 (Suburban Offices)