Nancy Sullivan, PhD, Appointed Inaugural Edward Avedisian Professor
In addition to serving as Avedisian Chair, she holds professorial appointments in microbiology and biology. More
Submit an Abstract for McCahan Day
Interested in educational innovations and scholarship? Submit an abstract or workshop proposal of ongoing or completed education projects for the 18th Annual McCahan Medical Education Day! More
AEDs on the Medical Campus
Please find the Automated External Defibrillators (AED) closest to your office and classrooms now, BEFORE you need them. More
Retirement of Deborah Fournier, PhD, Assistant Provost, Institutional Research & Evaluation
Fournier will continue to be part of the BUMC community as an emeritus clinical associate professor of medical sciences & education. More
Thea James, MD, Lauds Health Equity Changes at Inaugural MLK Lecture
Question the narrative, engage patients, find solutions. More
Submit Work for Art Days 2023
Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to submit artwork of any medium to the annual BUMC Gallery for the Arts. More
Subsidized BioRender Software and Upcoming Webinars
BUMC IT is pleased to again announce the availability of BioRender Premium, giving Medical Campus faculty and staff access to icon libraries and templates to visually communicate science. More
SPH Faculty Appointments & Promotions Announced: January 2023
Congratulations to the following BU School of Public Health faculty on their recent appointment or promotion. More
’22 SPH Faculty Promotions Announced
Congratulations to Professors Christopher Gill, Lois McCloskey, Ziming Xuan; Associate Professors Jacob Bor, Serkalem Demissie, Patricia Janulewicz Lloyd, Kimberly Nelson, Elaine Nsoesie, Junenette Peters, Peter Rockers and Nancy Scott. More
GSDM Dean Leone Appointed CODA Commissioner
The Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) is the accrediting body for all dental and dental-related education programs in the U.S. More
BUMC Faculty Appointments and Promotions: Oct.-Nov. 2022
Congratulations to the following Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine faculty on their recent appointment or promotion. Professor Claudius Conrad, MD, PhD, PhD, Surgery, specializes in minimally invasive hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery (MIS HPB) and cancer prognostication. His clinical research focuses on a broad area of topics related to HPB cancers that include access to care issues, novel techniques and... More
Intersession 2022 Preparations
BUMC Facilities would like to conserve energy over Intersession in non-occupied spaces. Below is a list of steps to follow before leaving on holiday break as we head into Intersession. Office Spaces & Labs: Close windows. Turn off all electrical equipment i.e. computers, monitor, lights, any portable heaters, copiers, printers, coffee pots, and lamps. Lock all doors... More
BUMC Faculty Appointments and Promotions: July-Sept. 2022
Congratulations to the following Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine faculty on their recent appointment or promotion. Professor Tracy Battaglia, MD, MPH, Medicine/GIM; School of Public Health, Community Health Sciences, is a primary care clinician-investigator internationally recognized for her collaborative, innovative approaches to addressing health disparities among women historically marginalized. As director of the Women’s Health Unit and... More
Public Safety Update
As the holidays approach and colder weather arrives, you will see an increased presence of public safety officers doing walk-rounds on campus to deter non-affiliates from accessing our buildings. Personal safety and security is a shared responsibility. Please wear your BU ID at all times when on campus. IDs for all employees and students entering buildings will be... More
Alumni Medical Library Holiday Hours
The Alumni Medical Library will close at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 23, and will be closed Thursday, Nov. 24-Saturday, Nov. 26, for the Thanksgiving holiday. It will reopen at 10 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 27.
Celebrating Diwali
The evening event was filled with cultural arts and crafts, food, music and dancing. More
52 BUMC Faculty Attend Emerging Leaders Program
Two-day program aims to help develop early career faculty into Medical Campus leaders. More
DEIA Statements Added to BU Profiles
Contributes to University practices for fostering a culture of inclusive excellence. More
June 2022 Faculty Appointments, Promotions Announced
Congratulations to Professors Niloo Edwards, Erika Wolf; Associate Professors Joshua Campbell, Ronald Iverson, Naomi Y. Ko, Karsten Lunze, Brian Smith; Clinical Associate Professors Frederic Gerges, Eileen Keneck, Alan Malabanan and Olivia Moorehead-Slaughter. More
Learn About EdTech Platforms & Training Opportunities
Tools, resources, training and support to ensure success in teaching and presenting. More
New Shuttle Service
UMC employees and students now have access to three shuttle routes operated by the Newmarket Business Improvement District (NBID). More
Ern Perez Appointed Associate Provost, Executive Director, BUMC IT
Perez joined BU in 2019 as Director of Educational Technology in the Digital Learning & Innovation group and IS&T. More
Shattuck Hospital Construction Update (formerly East Newton Pavilion)
Increased work activity in the "alley" through November. More
May 2022 Faculty Appointments, Promotions Announced
Congratulations to Professor Elizabeth Klings; Clinical Professors Andreas Dewitz, Laura N. Goldman; Associate Professors Vijaya Kolachalama, Giovanni Ligresti, Xiaoling Zhang; Clinical Associate Professors Albert Kalustian, Craig Noronha and Catherine Rich. More
Ad interim Leadership for the Framingham Heart Study
Drs. Joanne Murabito and George O’Connor to serve as ad interim Multi-PIs and Co-Program Directors. More