Workshop D
Feedback Not Evaluation: Using Reflection for an Effective Constructive Dialogue Between Students and Faculty
Felipe Agudelo, PhD, MPH,1,2 Jeselle Dookran DO, MSc Health Professions Education (Candidate),3 Ephraim Senkyre BSc, RGN, CGNC, MSc Health Professions Education (Candidate),3 and Jeff Markuns, MD, EdM4
1Diversity & Inclusion Office, 2General and Internal Medicine, 3Graduate Medical Sciences, and 4Medical Sciences & Education, Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
Room L-212
This session aims to familiarize educators with the skills to provide effective feedback to learners. Often, feedback and evaluation can be confused or even used interchangeably; however, the two are very different. Feedback is essential for building collaboration and growth the settings of mentorship, research, preclinical and clinical environments.
This workshop will utilize discussion, reflection, role-play and hands-on activities to distinguish between evaluation and feedback in clinical, preclinical and mentorship settings. Participants will also become familiar with the importance of reflection for both the educator and learner, and engage in sharing personal experiences in the challenges of setting a positive learning climate that provides a space for growth — as the backdrop for delivering feedback. Finally, participants will practice and critique examples of techniques for providing effective feedback.
Target Audience:
Educators and/or mentors seeking to provide more effective feedback for learners and mentees
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this workshop, learners will be able to:
- Utilize reflection in feedback
- Identify the differences between feedback and evaluation
- Develop a positive learning environment to provide feedback to students
- Employ effective feedback techniques
Session Outline:
Overview (10 min): Introduction, review learning objectives, defining feedback vs. evaluation
Creating a positive learning climate:
Discussion and video examples (10min): defining and examples of positive and negative learning climates.
Breakout activity – Critical incident discussion (10 min): Learning climates – discuss personal experiences in various learning climates – decipher components of each, pros/cons
Debrief (10 min) – report back to main group.
Overview: Introduction about feedback and reflection for objective feedback in clinical, non-clinical and Mentorship environments
Breakout activity (15 min): Role-play, reflecting and giving feedback
Critical incident – taking time to reflect to provide feedback
Debrief as a group (10 min)
Take-away points (10 min): Final thoughts, Q&As
Positive learning environment development
Feedback as a process of growth and not punishment
Establish relationships of trust
Invite attendees to reflect on their performance.