
John McCahan Education Day aims to showcase a wide variety of BUMC educational innovations and research activities.  We invite educators to submit a proposal for a scholarly poster to be displayed during McCahan Education Day.

The Abstract Selection Committee is soliciting applications in two major areas: 

Education Innovation and Research: 

These submissions showcase educational innovations and scholarship at BUMC. Such projects may include descriptive projects, or qualitative or quantitative research. Examples include the development, implementation, or evaluation of educational tools, course curricula, simulations or innovative educational collaborations.

Education Technology: 

This category highlights creative uses of interactive educational technology. Appropriate submissions include course or clerkship websites, electronic clinical case simulations, online didactics, computer-based faculty development resources and electronic evaluation instruments

At this time, McCahan Day will be held in-person on May 23, 2024. See the Poster Toolbox for information on preparing your poster.


All questions should be addressed to Kathleen Swenson.