Congratulations to our new Shipley Investigators

We are very pleased to congratulate three new Shipley Prostate Cancer Research Center investigators in Hematology/Oncology: Gerald Denis, Gretchen Gignac, and Chris Heaphy.

Gerald Denis, PhD, has been named the Shipley Prostate Cancer Research Professor, and will be coordinating the efforts of the Shipley Center.

Gretchen Gignac, MD, will serve on the executive committee and as clinical lead for the Shipley Center, and will also be co-directing prostate cancer biobanking efforts in collaboration with the Department of Pathology and the Translational Oncology lab in Heme/Onc.

Chris Heaphy, PhD, has been awarded a Shipley pilot grant to further investigate the role of telomere length alterations and lamin dysregulation in prostate cancer.

Congratulations to all three of you!