Observership Requests
This form is to be completed by Hematology & Medical Oncology faculty only.
The general purpose of an Observership is to only watch and listen with no patient contact and no research activity (unless otherwise specified). They are undertaken solely for the purposes of gaining knowledge.
100% Clinical Observers are not allowed to have any access to BMC systems including email and Epic access. Please allow roughly 11 weeks to process and onboard.
Research Observers are intended for research purposes which will require the observer to have email and Epic access. Please allow roughly 13 weeks to process and onboard.
BMC Observership Rules & Requirements
- Observer requests made within 2 months of a proposed start date will not be processed.
- The observer must be supervised by the sponsor or designee at all times when in the presence of patients. They are not allowed unrestricted access to BMC.
- Observers are not allowed to have direct contact with patients, their families or friends. “Contact” includes, but is not limited to, taking patient histories, performing physical exams, writing/entering notes or orders in medical records, drawing bloods, taking EKGs, assisting clinicians with procedures, obtaining the results of diagnostic tests, counseling of any description and all other activities that might be considered or related to patient care.
- Observers are not members of the BMC workforce. However, they are required to comply with all BMC policies and procedures. A violation of any policy or procedure will result in the termination of the observership.
- The observer will not receive any academic credit for the experience. The observership does not constitute clinical education or graduate clinical education. No BMC Department shall be required to provide verification of observerships.