Clinical Experience

The Geriatric Medicine Fellowship is extremely well-rounded, exposing fellows to an incredible underserved and diverse populations alongside faculty mentors and interprofessional team members that specialize in different areas of Geriatrics.

Longitudinal Experiences

A very unique aspect of our fellowship is that our fellows serve as primary care providers to patients in three longitudinal continuity experiences throughout their first year of fellowship, regardless of block rotation. Fellows have continuity patient panels in our Home Care, Ambulatory Clinic and Nursing Home practices and are paired 1:1 with a preceptor for the entirety of the academic year in each of these settings. This helps to simulate what a future career would look like in these common areas of practice. A typical week for a fellow is as follows, with Tuesday reserved for longitudinal practices and part of Friday for educational sessions:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Block Rotation Alternating Home Visits & Nursing Home Block Rotation Block Rotation Educational Didactics
Block Rotation Ambulatory Clinic Block Rotation Block Rotation Block Rotation

Monthly Clinical Rotations

Fellows rotate through nine individual month-long rotations across three main sites for their block rotations. Fellows engage in these experiences on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Friday afternoons, with a new rotation starting at the first day of each calendar month. The entire month of July is dedicated to orientation to clinical sites, longitudinal experiences and learning core Geriatrics topics during our “Geriatrics Bootcamp”. All fellows also have one month dedicated to an elective experience that can be scholarship or clinical based, or a combination of the two, depending on each fellow’s individual goals.

An example of our fellows’ monthly block rotation schedule is as follows:

Geri Med Geri Med Geri Med Geri Onc
July Orientation Orientation Orientation Orientation
August Inpatient Brockton CLC Bedford GEM Brockton Pall Care
September Bedford GEM Inpatient Brockton Pall Care West Roxbury HIH
October PACE Brockton Pall Care Inpatient Bedford Psychiatry
November Brockton Pall Care PACE West Roxbury HIH Bedford GEM
December Bedford Psychiatry West Roxbury HIH BMC Palliative Care Brockton CLC
January Bedford/JP Alzheimer’s BMC Consults Elective Hem/Onc
February BMC Consults Bedford Psychiatry PACE Bedford/JP Alzheimer’s
March Brockton CLC Bedford GEM Bedford/JP Alzheimer’s BMC Palliative Care
April West Roxbury HIH Bedford/JP Alzheimer’s Bedford Psychiatry Elective
May Elective BMC Palliative Care Brockton CLC Inpt/PACE
June BMC Palliative Care Elective BMC Consults Hem/Onc


The block rotations that fellows rotate through are as follows:

Learn about our educational didactics and more here.