Delivering Care Packages to Older Adults at Marcus Garvey

First and second year medical students making the care packages for residents of Marcus Garvey. From left to right: Ryan Wolfe (MS2), Sarah Golden (MS1), Yilan Jiangliu (MS1), & Hannah Tang (MS1). Not pictured: Jennifer Strauss (MS1)

The American Geriatric Society (AGS) Student Interest Group and Bridging Gaps in Care delivered 168 care packages to residents of Marcus Garvey. 

The care packages included a note from members translated into English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole, a mask, a bottle of hand sanitizer, a small notebook that says “Everything is Going to Be Alright” on the front, and a pen. A few medical students helped translate the note into Spanish and Haitian Creole to include most of the residents of Marcus Garvey.

They have been planning this for quite some time in the midst of the pandemic and we are glad that they were able to reach out to our older adults in the local area and let them know that we are thinking of them.

First & Second Year Medical Students creating care packages for older adults.
First & Second Year Medical Students creating care packages for older adults.