Thrombosis and Hemostasis ARC Program

Annual Mini-Symposium

Co-Hosted with the Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute (CVI)

Tuesday, June 4, 2024
12p – 1p
Hybrid seminar: In-person with lunch, X715 or join by Zoom, details below

“Platelets and Megakaryocytes at the Immune Interface”

Invited Guest: Craig Morrell, D.V.M., Ph.D.  

The Morrell lab’s research is focused on the complex interface between platelets, the vasculature, and immune cells. Ongoing and past studies in his lab examine platelet, and platelet derived, inflammatory mediator interactions with both vascular and immune cells, and the impact these interactions have on tissue injury responses in disease relevant contexts. They are also interested in the origins and functions of platelet producing megakaryocytes in the lung.


Zoom Information

Meeting ID: 954 0091 0195
Passcode: 831929