Thursday, April 25, 2024
1:00pm-2:00pm EST
Crosstown 2020
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Meeting ID: 933 1888 4767 | Passcode: tbig
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Featuring: Dr. Brittney van de Water
Comprehensive TB care and implementation science to strengthen health systems
Brittney van de Water, Ph.D., RN, CPNP, is an assistant professor at the Connell School of Nursing. Dr. van de Water is a certified pediatric nurse practitioner and global health delivery researcher. She is also the associate director for pediatric nursing at Seed Global Health, where she supports nurse educators and partnerships with universities in Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, and Sierra Leone. Dr. van de Water’s research focuses on optimizing implementation of TB and TB/HIV interventions in low-resource settings and uptake of evidence-based strategies at large. Her work centers on developing comprehensive TB care, leveraging routinely available data and cascade indicators to improve outcomes for high risk populations (i.e., children, pregnant women, people living with HIV) as well as building health professional capacity in sub-Saharan Africa.
Upcoming TBIG Talks:
5/23/2024 |
Research Fellow Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine |