MHet (Musculoskeletal Health) ARC Trainees Presentations

Friday April 19th    8:30 – 10:00am
With Breakfast

Avery Kratzer
Graduate Student, Rehabilitation Sciences

“Increased Ankle Pushoff Alters Frontal Plane Hip and Knee Mechanics”

Avery Kratzer is a PhD student in Rehabilitation Sciences working with Dr. Cara Lewis in the Human Adaptation Lab. She received her B.S.E. in Chemical and Biological Engineering from Princeton University and worked in R&D for human-robot interaction before starting her graduate studies at Boston University. Avery‘s research interests are centered on the relationship between morphology and movement, particularly in adolescent female athletes. Alongside her research, she leads outreach initiatives aimed at increasing the representation of women and girls in STEM.


Vineel Kondiboyina
Graduate Student, Engineering

 Cartilage Mechanobiology During Limb Growth”

Vineel Kondiboyina is a final-year Ph.D. candidate in the Shefelbine Lab at the bioengineering department of Northeastern University. His research centers on the mechanobiology of cartilage during limb growth. Vineel’s dissertation combines ex-vivo experiments and computational modeling to investigate tissue-level mechanical properties, cellular-level signaling, and molecular expression in growing axolotl limbs, aiming to elucidate the impact of mechanical cues on cartilage growth.

Location: Room 236 in Sargent College, 635 Commonwealth Avenue

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 975 9319 9774
Passcode: 099516

Friday March 29th    8:30 – 10:00am
With Breakfast

Kevin Ma
Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics at the Goldman School of Dental Medicine
“Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors and osteoarthritis in patients with type 2 diabetes”


Chumki Choudhury, MS (Chemistry)
Visiting research scholar with Dr. Manish Bais at the Goldman School of Dental Medicine.
“Osteoarthritis mouse models and the role of LOXL2 in cartilage”

In-Person Location: 72 East Concord St, Instructional Building, L301
Zoom Meeting

Friday February 23rd  3:30- 5PM

 Erik Ersland
Graduate Student, Mechanical Engineering
“Raman Spectroscopy for Diagnosing Cartilage Disease and Monitoring Tissue Repair”


Hana Kalco
Graduate Student, Biomedical Engineering
“Bridging the Gap: Understanding Bone-Tendon-Muscle Crosstalk in the Rotator Cuff”

Location: Room 236 in Sargent College, 635 Commonwealth Avenue
Zoom Meeting

Friday January 19th  3:30- 5PM

Dr. Abdulrahman Idrees
Graduate Student, Translational Dental Medicine
“Role of Semaphorin 3A in skeletal Biology”


Soyoung Lee
Graduate Student, Department of Physical Therapy, Sargent College
Cortical function, Gait Automaticity, and Central Sensitization in people with Knee Osteoarthritis”

Location: Room 236 in Sargent College, 635 Commonwealth Avenue
Zoom Meeting