MHet (Musculoskeletal Health) ARC Seminar Series

Friday Oct 27, 2023   4:00 PM (ET)

Speaker: Dr. Jason McDougall

Professor of Pharmacology and Anaesthesia
Dalhousie University

“Understanding the Neurobiology of Joint Pain to Inform Future Treatments.”

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Host:  Dr. David Felson

Dr McDougall Short Bio

Prof. McDougall was born in South Shields and educated in Scotland. He received his PhD in Joint Physiology from the University of Glasgow and subsequently undertook postdoctoral training in Canada, Germany and Spain. Prof. McDougall was awarded postdoctoral fellowships from the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR), the Medical Research Council of Canada and was the recipient of the Ernst & Young Joint Injury & Arthritis Research Fellowship. In 2001, he joined the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary where he held an AHFMR Senior Scholarship as well as an Arthritis Society Investigator award. He transferred to Dalhousie University in 2011 where he is currently a Professor of Pharmacology and Anaesthesia. Prof. McDougall’s research focuses on the neurobiology of pain and inflammation in the development of arthritis. His research is currently examining the role of cannabinoids and proteinases in the control of arthritis pain and inflammation. His research goal is to identify novel drug targets and develop new treatments which will help alleviate chronic pain and resolve joint inflammation. He currently receives project funding from CIHR and The Arthritis Society. He has been a consultant for AstraZeneca (UK), Eli Lilly & Company (USA), Pfizer (UK), Teva (USA), Pharmin (USA) and Antibe Pharmaceuticals (Canada). Prof. McDougall is an editor for Inflammation Research, Journal of Inflammation, and Frontiers in Pharmacology (Pain). He is currently President of the International Association of Inflammation Societies, and President of the Inflammation Research Network of Canada. He has also won numerous awards for his homebrewed beers which have been commercially produced.