Seminars 2004 – 2013
Monthly seminars are held by ARCs, open to the department and school at large (listed in the school’s calendar)
Evans Center – Biochemistry Thematic Seminars
The Evans Center in the Department of Medicine and Department of Biochemistry are sponsoring joint a thematic seminar series. The purpose of the series is to highlight a cutting edge topic in biology with disease relevance.
Non Coding RNA in Health and Disease
Spring Thematic Seminars co-sponsored by the Evans Center, the Department of Biochemistry and the CTSI
Dr. Philip Sharp At the Seminar At the Seminar
1993 Nobel Laureate, Professor of Biology, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Title of Talk: “The synthesis and functions of non-coding RNAs”
Date, time and place of seminar: April 3, 2013; 3 pm Keefer Auditorium
Noon Luncheon with ALL BUSM pre- and post doc trainees, K-103, 81 E Concord St (co organized with the Division of Graduate Medical Sciences)
Hosted by Dr. Katya Ravid
Dr. Harvey Lodish
Professor of Biology, Member, Whitehead Institute; Professor of Bioengineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Title of Talk: “LncRNAs that regulate adipogenesis and hematopoiesis”
Date, time and place of seminar: April 11, 2013; 3 pm Keefer Auditorium
Noon Luncheon with trainees (Department of Biochemistry Conference Room, K-103)
Hosted by Dr. Kostya Kandror
Dr. Michael Geoff Rosenfeld
Professor of Medicine; Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, UC San Diego
Title of Talk: “Rise of the IncRNAs: Roles in Development, Transcriptional Regulation and Disease”
Date, time and place of seminar: May 2, 2013; 3 pm Keefer Auditorium
Noon Luncheon with trainees (Department of Biochemistry Conference Room, K-103)
Hosted by Dr. Valentina Perissi
All seminars are followed by a reception at 4 pm in Wilkins Board Room
All seminars are preceded by Lunch with trainees at noon time in Biochemistry Conference Room K-103
The Cytoskeleton in Health and Disease
Jointly Sponsored by:
The Department of Biochemistry & The Evans Center
November 8, 2012, Keefer Auditorium, E111, 3 pm
Richard Vallee, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Pathology and Cell Biology; Director, Division of Cell and Molecular Biology; Member, Program in Neurobiology and Behavior
Columbia University Medical Center New York, NY
Hosts: Drs. Wellington Cardoso and Katya Ravid
Title of talk: “Molecular Motors in Brain Developmental Disease”
4 pm, Reception, Wilkins Board Room, E120 Noon meeting with graduate students and post docs, W502
November 15, 2012, Keefer Auditorium, E111, 3 pm
Larry Goldstein, Ph.D., Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Distinguished Professor,
Dept. of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Dept. of Neurosciences Director, UC San Diego Stem Cell
Program UCSD School of Medicine
Host: Dr. David Harris
Title of talk: “Using human stem cells to understand neurodegenerative disease”
4 pm, Reception, Wilkins Board Room, E120 Noon meeting with graduate students and post docs, K103
December 6, 2012, Keefer Auditorium, E111, 3 pm
Don W. Cleveland, Ph.D., Departmental Chair of Cellular & Molecular Medicine Professor of
Medicine, Neurosciences and Cellular and Molecular Medicine Member, Ludwig Institute for Cancer
Host: Dr. Steven Farmer
Title of talk: “Guarding the genome: centromeres, aneuploidy and tumorigenesis”
4 pm, Reception, Wilkins Board Room, E120 Noon meeting with graduate students and post docs, K103
Seminars: 3:00pm Receptions: 4:00pm All are welcome to attend
Please address inquiries to: Robin MacDonald or to Melissa Howard
Mitochondria: Engines of Life, Drivers of Disease
March 27, 2012, Keefer Auditorium, E111, 3 pm
David G. Nicholls, Ph.D., Professor of Mitochondrial Physiology, Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, CA, and Visiting Professor, University of Lund, Sweden
Hosts: Drs. Orian Shirihai and Katya Ravid
Title of talk: “The bioenergetics of mitochondria in the cell”
4 pm, Reception, Evans Seminar Room, E112A
April 3, 2012, Keefer Auditorium, E111, 3 pm
Douglas C. Wallace, Ph.D., Director, Center for Mitochondrial and Epigenomic Medicine (CMEM), Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Host: Dr. Susan Doctrow
Title of talk: “Energyomics-Energenomics: A Mitochondrial Etiology of Complex Diseases”
4 pm, Reception, Evans Seminar Room, E112A
April 10, 2012, Keefer Auditorium, E111, 3 pm
Richard Youle, Ph.D., Senior Investigator, Chief Biochemistry Section, NIH, NINDS, Bethesda, MD
Host: Dr. David Harris
Title of talk: “Mitochondrial Quality Control and Parkinson’s Disease”
4 pm, Reception, Biochemistry Seminar Room, K103
Noon: Speakers meet with graduate students and post docs
“Protein Quality Control and Disease”
November 17, 2011, at 3pm, Keefer Auditorium, E111
Dr. Randal J. Kaufman, Ph.D., Director, Degenerative Aging, and Stem Cell Research; Neuroscience, Aging, and Stem Cell Research Center, La Jolla, CA; Host: Dr. Stephen Farmer
Title of talk: “ER and Oxidative Stress synergize to cause cell death”
4 pm (right after the seminar): Reception Open to All, Location: L-109A/B
November 30, 2011, at 3pm, Bakst Auditorium
Dr. David Ron, M.D., Professor of Cellular Pathophysiology and Clinical Biochemistry, Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow, University of Cambridge Metabolic Research Laboratories, Cambridge, UK; Host: Dr. David Harris
Title of talk: “Physiological significance of the Endoplasmic Reticulum Unfolded Protein Response”
4 pm (right after the seminar): Reception Open to All, Location: K-103
December 15, 2011, at 3pm, Keefer Auditorium, E111
Dr. Ana Maria Cuervo, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Developmental and Molecular Biology
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY; Host: Dr. Wellington Cardoso
Title of talk: “Selective Autophagy: Quality Control with a Twist”
4 pm (right after the seminar): Reception Open to All, Location: L-109A/B
“Stem Cells, Development and Cancer”
March 31, 2011, at 4pm, Bakst Auditorium
Dr. Mina Bissell, PhD, Distinguished Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Seminar Title: The Microenvironment and the Genome in Breast Cancer: How Does Tissue Architecture Inform Therapy?
Reception, 5:00 pm, Biochemistry Seminar Room (K-103)
Graduate Student & Post Doc Lunch, 12:00 noon, Biochemistry Seminar Room (K-103)
April 7, 2011, at 4pm, Bakst Auditorium
Dr. Robert Weinberg, PhD, Professor of Biology, Whitehead Institute, MIT
Seminar Title: High-Grade Malignancy, the Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, and Cancer Stem Cells
Reception, 5:00 pm, Biochemistry Seminar Room (K-103)
Graduate Student & Post Doc Lunch, 12:00 noon, Biochemistry Seminar Room (K-103)
April 28, 2011, at 4pm, Bakst Auditorium
Dr. Matthew Scott, PhD, Professor of Developmental Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering, Stanford University; Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Seminar Title: Communicating with Hedgehogs: Signaling in Development and Disease Reception, 5:00 pm, Biochemistry Seminar Room (K-103)
Graduate Student & Post Doc Lunch, 12:00 noon, Biochemistry Seminar Room (K-103)
“Molecular Mechanisms of Aging”
Tuesday, November 2, 2010 4:00 pm, Bakst Auditorium
Dr. Judith Campisi, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Seminar Title: Cancer and Aging: Rival Demons?
Reception, 5:00 pm, Wilkins Board Room (E-120)
Graduate Student & Post Doc Lunch, 12:00 noon, Wilkins Board Room (E-120)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010 4:00 pm, Bakst Auditorium
Dr. Leonard Guarante, MIT
Seminar Title: Sirtuins Aging and Disease
Reception, 5:00 pm, Biochemistry Seminar Room (K-103)
Graduate Student & Post Doc Lunch, 12:00 noon, Biochemistry Seminar Room (K-103)
Thursday, December 9, 2010 3:30 pm, Keefer Auditorium, (part of Evans Day Event)
Dr. Cynthia Kenyon, UC-San Francisco
Seminar Title: From Worms to Humans? Genes & Pathways That Extend Life Span
Evans Center Thursday Seminars
Thursday, September 16, 2010 / 4pm / Keefer Auditorium
Title: “ The Glycerolipid/Fatty-Acid Cycle.”
Speaker: Dr. Marc Prentki
Dr. Prentki is the Director of the Montreal Diabetes Center and an authority on the metabolism and function of the pancreatic beta cell. His recent work may have considerable bearing on the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.
Hosting ARC/Faculty: Drs. Neil Ruderman & Barbara Corkey
Lunch with students and speakers at noon, CABR, W 502
Refreshments of coffee, tea and cookies available at 3:45pm
Monday, June 14, 2010 / 4pm / EBRC 714&715
Title: “Aortic stiffness and cardiovascular disease.”
Speaker: Dr. Gary F. Mitchell
Dr. Mitchell is from Cardiovascular Engineering, Inc., in Norwood, MA.
Hosting ARC/Faculty: Vascular Stiffness Pre-ARC
Drs. Richard Cohen & Kathleen Morgan, Directors
Pizza for lunch with students and speakers at noon, EBRC 715
Refreshments of coffee, tea and cookies available at 3:45pm
Thursday, May 27, 2010 / 4pm / L110
Title: “SeXX Matters!”
Speaker: Dr. Deborah Clegg
Dr. Clegg will be joining us from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Internal Medicine – Touchstone Diabetes Center.
Hosting ARC/Faculty: Sex Differences in Adipose Tissue: Mechanisms and role in disease risk associated with obesity ARC
Drs. Susan Fried & Paul Pilch, Directors
Pizza for lunch with students and speakers at noon, W502
Refreshments of coffee, tea and cookies available at 3:45pm
Thursday, April 29, 2010 / 4pm / L110
Title: “c-Myb as a key player in the regulation of the haematopoietic hierarchy: The re-emergence of a neglected proto-oncogene”
Speaker: Dr. Jon Frampton
Dr. Frampton directs the steering committee of the UK National Stem Cell Network, and also is the Director of the Birmingham University Stem Cell Centre (BUSCC).
Hosting ARC/Faculty: The Boston University Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) Cell Bank ARC
Dr. George Murphy/ Directors, Drs. Darrell Kotton & Gustavo Mostoslavsky
Pizza for lunch with students and speakers at noon, EBRC 715
Refreshments of coffee, tea and cookies available at 3:45pm
Past Evans Speakers
Evans Seminar Speakers: 1994 to 2004
Janet Rowley
David Livingston
Stanley B. Prusiner
Oliver Smithies
Joan Ruderman
Cliff Tabin
Robert A. Weinberg
Robert Horvitz
Phillippa Marrack Vishva Dixit
James E. Darnell
Michael Karin
Barry Gumbiiner
Peter Agre
Masashi Yanagisawa
Andrew McMahon
Carlo Croce
David Clapham
Barry Bloom
Jeffrey Friedman
Regis Kelly
Inder Verma
Mark Krasnow
Elaine Fuchs
John Robbins
Steve Baylin
Rodrigo Bravo
Jeffrey Gordon
Greg Petsko
Kenneth Chien
George Yancopoulos
C. Ronald Kahn
Jim Ihle
Richard Hynes
Michael Rosbash
Mary-Claire King
Israel Caro
Donald Ganem
Tyler Jacks
Darwin Prockop
Henry Bourne
Stanley Korsmeyer
Ferid Murad
David Cox
Joseph Schlessinger
Robert Lanza
Carol Prives
David Ron
Marlene Rabinovitch
Harvey Herschman
Anita Robrts
Leonard Guarente
Richard Lifton
C. D. Allis
Leonard Zon
Richard Flavell
Lucca Cavali-Sforza
Kenneth Walsh
Michael Lenardo
Jeffrey Kelly
Henry Kronenberg
Roger Cone
Susan Lindquist
Morris Birnbaum
Stanley Falkow
Alan Sher
Robert Shreiber
Barbara Corkey
Catherine Verfaillie
Katherine High
Helen Blau
Judy Liberman
Janet Rossant
Carol Greider
Elizabeth Nabel
Kathryn Holmes
Pizza for lunch with students and speakers at noon, W502