AOD-SBI Meeting Program and Speakers


Implementing and Sustaining Alcohol and Other Drug Screening and Brief Intervention (AOD-SBI) Meeting: September 21, 2011

The purpose of this 1-day meeting was to bring researchers and practitioners together to address both drug and alcohol SBI. For inquiries, please contact

AOD-SBI Meeting Program

7:00am: Registration/sign-in and Continental Breakfast (Liberty Ballroom and lobby)

8:00am: Opening Keynote: Screening and Brief Intervention for Illicit Drugs:  Research Directions (Wilson Compton, MD, MPE)

9:00am: Plenary: SBI Implementation in various settings: challenges, lessons learned (J. Paul Seale, MD, MPH,  Jennifer Mertens, PhD, Richard Brown, MD, MPH, Norman Wetterau, MD)

10:45am: Oral Abstract and Workshop Presentations(simultaneous):

Concurrent Session AOD-1

Oral Presentation Session 1


How do Health Professionals Learn their Communication Skills?  Lessons for SBI Implementation.

Presenting author: Niamh Fitzgerald BScPharm, PhD

Co-authors: n/a


Educational intervention to improve secondhand smoke awareness, competency, and screening among health professions students

Presenting author: Lisa Merlo, PhD

Co-authors: Noni Graham, Mark Gold


Alcohol and Drug Co-morbidity Among Survivors of Physical Injuries Receiving Mandated Screening and Brief Intervention at a Level I Trauma Center

Presenting author: Douglas Zatzick, MD

Co-authors: Dennis Donovan, Gregory Jurkovich, Frederick Rivara, Chris Dunn, Rick Reis, Larry Gentillelo


The Evolution of American College of Surgeons Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention Mandates

Presenting author: Douglas Zatzick, MD

Co-authors: Larry Gentillelo, Gregory Jurkovich, Dennis Donovan, Chris Dunn, Rick Reis, Frederick Rivara, Daniel Hungerford


Concurrent Session AOD-2

Oral Presentation Session 2


The Integration of Mental Health and Substance Abuse SBIRT among SAMHSA Grantees

Presenting author: Manu Singh, PhD

Co-authors: Jennifer Kasten, Susan Hayashi, Raphael Gaeta, Rossen Tsanov, Erin Schmeider


Self-reported drug use six months after a Brief Intervention:  Do changes in reported use vary by mental health status?

Presenting author: Antoinette Krupski, PhD

Co-authors: Jeanne M. Sears, Jutta M. Joesch, Sharon Estee, Lijian He, Alice Huber, Chris Dunn,

Peter Roy-Byrne, Richard Reis


Can patients screen themselves?  Pilot study of an audio guided computer assisted self interview (ACASI) approach to screening for substance use in primary care

Presenting author: Jennifer McNeely, MD, MS

Co-authors: Brian Gilberti, Rubina Khan, John Rotrosen, Sheila Strauss, Marc Gourevitch


Concurrent Session AOD-3

Oral Presentation Session 3


Fidelity to Motivational Interviewing and subsequent cannabis cessation among adolescents 3 months after brief intervention

Presenting author: Jim McCambridge, PhD

Co-authors: Maria Day, Bonnita Thomas, John Strang,


Benzodiazepine misuse among women: Elements for Brief Intervention

Presenting author: Ana Regina Noto

Co-author: Ana Rosa Lins de Souza


Effect of Screening and Brief Intervention for Illegal Drug Use in Southern California

Presenting author: John Clapp, PhD

Co-author: Susan I. Woodruff


SBIRT for risky stimulant use in a Skid Row community health center

Presenting author: Lillian Gelberg, MD, MSPH

Co-authors: Ronald M. Andersen, Lisa Arangua, Henry Teaford, Niree Hindoyan, Sareen Malikian, Jose C. Muniz Castro, Hugo Yepez, Mani Vahidi


Concurrent Session AOD-4

Oral Presentation Session 4


Enhancing brief intervention with motivational interviewing in primary care settings

Presenting author: Christopher Dunn, PhD

Co-authors: Sarah Geiss Trusz, Kristin Bumgardner, Peter Roy-Byrne


SBI delivered simultaneously in multiple settings: it is cost-effective but can it influence community-level outcomes?

Presenting author: Anthony Shakeshaft

Co-authors: n/a


Abstract title: Universal screening for drug use in urban primary care

Presenting author: Richard Saitz, MD, MPH

Co-authors: Daniel Alford, Julie Witas,  Donald Allensworth-Davies, Tibor Palfai, Debbie Cheng, Judith Bernstein, Jeffrey Samet


Concurrent Session AOD-5

Workshop Presentation


Adolescent SBIRT: Practical skills to screen and manage adolescent substance use in the office practice

Presenting author: Sion Harris, PhD

Co-authors: Janet Williams, Sharon Levy


11:45am: Buffet Lunch on the Rotundas

1:10pm: Implementation Plenary and Small Group Discussions– Two simultaneous sessions will be facilitated by leading SBI researchers:

  1. Large group discussion: Implementation Science, (Dean Fixsen, PhD)
  2. Research Concept Papers: Participants are invited to bring a research concept paper (750 word limit) which includes relevant background for and significance of the issue to be studied, the main aim(s) and hypothesis/hypotheses of the study, the design/methods of the study, and how, where and by whom it would be implemented.
  3. Methodological Challenges in SBI Research: Participants are invited to bring questions, comments and ideas for a discussion on SBI research methodology.

2:15pm: Plenary: Panel presentation and discussion: Massachusetts Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral and Treatment (SBIRT) (Michael Botticelli, Daniel Alford, MD, MPH, Edward Bernstein, MD)

3:30pm: Plenary: SBI in World Health Strategy (speaker TBD)

4:30pm: AOD-SBI MeetingWrap-up ( J. Paul  Seale)

To view the  INEBRIA Conference Program click here.
INEBRIA Boston and AOD-SBI Sponsors and Co-sponsors

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Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by Grant 1R13AA020158 from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and Grant 1R13DA031540 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.