Heather Miselis, MD, MPH, Appointed Associate Dean, Alumni Affairs

Head and shoulder shot of Heather Miselis wearing dark top, smiling broadlyHeather Miselis, MD, MPH (CAMED’00, ’04, SPH’00), has been promoted to associate dean of alumni affairs, effective Sept. 1.

Named an assistant dean in January 2020, Miselis is responsible for overseeing all activities designed to fulfill the office’s mission to foster a culture of engagement and philanthropy between and among alumni, students, faculty and administration through activities, volunteerism, networking and stewardship. She manages activities of the Alumni Board and collaborates with other medical school offices and departments to plan, direct and execute alumni activities and programs that support the strategic goals of the School of Medicine.

In addition to her responsibilities with the alumni office, Miselis is an assistant professor of family medicine and an attending family medicine physician at Boston Medical Center and South Boston Community Health Center. She is director of medical student education for the department of family medicine and teaches students longitudinally in their curriculum as an academy medical educator and director of the teamwork and interprofessional education and collaborative practice in healthcare curriculum.