INEBRIA Abstract and Symposium Submission


8th Annual International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol Problems (INEBRIA) Conference: September 22-23, 2011

Guidelines for submitting abstracts and symposia to the INEBRIA Conference.
Please click here to see guidelines for submitting workshops.


(See below for instructions regarding symposium submission. Symposia are comprised of a coordinated submission of abstracts).

All abstracts must include an introductory sentence (i.e. background) and then a description of the methods, results (even if preliminary) and conclusions (300 word limit). Abstracts on any aspects of screening and brief interventions (SBI, also known as Early Identification and Brief Intervention (EIBI)) for alcohol use are welcomed. Note: Abstracts must be relevant to alcohol SBI but they may also address other drugs.

Three types of abstracts will be considered:

1)       Research

2)       Program (clinical or educational) evaluation

3)       Experiential or theory-based/generating

Research and program abstracts must include an introduction, and a description of the methods, results (even if preliminary) and conclusions. It is generally not acceptable to state that results are pending without at least providing some preliminary findings from the trial.  In unusual cases the review committee may accept abstracts of studies that will have very important results that will only be available at the time of the meeting but not at abstract submission time.  In such cases, the author should make a very convincing case that major late-breaking results are imminent and will be available and presented.

Experiential or theory-based/generating abstracts are meant to provide an opportunity for participants to share learning in a less formal and less structured way. This format may be most appropriate for those wanting to share clinical or training experiences, exploration of theory relevant to SBI, qualitative insights gained from implementation, delving into mechanisms of change, methodological challenges and solutions, non-hypothesis driven work, technology in SBI, or even review and commentary.  These abstracts will include an aim, the question(s) to be addressed, a summary of the anticipated presentation, and conclusions.  They will not be eligible for the best abstract selection.

Individual abstracts: Submitted abstracts will be considered for oral or poster presentation (you may choose to have your submission considered for oral, poster, or either). Due to limited time in the conference program, submitting an abstract for consideration for oral presentation only may decrease the likelihood of acceptance.

Oral presentations: Accepted presentations will be strictly limited to 10 minutes in length followed by an additional 5 minutes for questions. Three individual research or program abstracts will be chosen for presentation in a Best Abstract Plenary session. Abstracts submitted as part of symposia are not eligible since by definition they will be presented as part of a symposium. Experiential or theory-based/generating abstracts are also not eligible for the best abstract plenary.

Poster presentations: An author must be present to display and discuss the poster. Posters will be evaluated for awards during the poster session.

Abstracts of individual presentations may be submitted; or several related abstracts may be submitted for presentation together in one symposium.


A symposium is 90-minute session presented based on a coordinated submission of abstracts that are related. A symposium presentation includes:

  • an introduction,
  • 4 oral presentations based on submitted abstracts,
  • and a discussion.

Each component is 10 minutes total and 5 minutes for questions.

The introduction and discussion may be done by one or two people, who may or may not be presenters of abstracts submitted, one of whom will likely be the Chairperson of the symposium. A Chairperson may only lead one symposium proposal.

The symposium Chairperson submits a symposium proposal that includes:

  • the title of the symposium,
  • list of the lead authors and titles of the abstracts included in the symposium proposal,
  • the names of the people providing the introduction and leading the discussion,
  • summary of the goals for the symposium (approximately 300 word limit-see submission form).

EACH ABSTRACT MUST BE SUBMITTED INDIVIDUALLY (in addition to and separate from the symposium proposal), INDICATING THEY ARE TO BE PART OF A SYMPOSIUM AND PROVIDING THE SYMPOSIUM TITLE AND CHAIRPERSON’S NAME. Please see the abstract submission form for more information.

We welcome abstracts and symposiums on the following topic areas, although anything relevant to alcohol SBI will be considered:

  • Results of original alcohol-related SBI research
  • Screening tools and approaches to screening in various settings
  • Efficacy of brief interventions
  • Theory/mechanisms/methods/content of brief interventions
  • SBI for alcohol and other health behaviors
  • Methodological issues in research on SBI for alcohol use
  • Utilizing Information Technology to conduct SBI
  • SBI outside general health settings (e.g. criminal justice, employee assistance)
  • SBI for alcohol across general health settings (e.g. primary care/GP, emergency, trauma, hospitals)
  • SBI for alcohol in specific populations (e.g. elderly, prenatal/pregnancy, adolescents, minorities)
  • SBI education programs
  • SBI clinical programs
  • Real world effectiveness of SBI
  • Implementation and dissemination of SBI, integration into practice
  • Innovative approaches to implementing and sustaining SBI
  • Strategies for integrating SBI into health policy
  • Global perspectives on SBI

DUE DATE and additional information regarding abstract, symposium and workshop submission for the INEBRIA Conference

  • There will be simultaneously occurring oral abstract presentation and workshop sessions. If your abstract or workshop is selected for presentation, please plan to be in attendance during the designated presentation time.
  • You may submit abstracts to both the AOD-SBI Meeting and the INEBRIA Conference, but you may not submit the same, or substantially similar, abstract (including workshops and those that are part of a symposium) to both meetings.
  • Abstracts must be submitted online via the abstract submission page by 7:00 PM EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) on Friday, June 10, 2011 (23:00 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)).
  • Abstracts will undergo blinded peer review (reviewers will not have access to author names or institution unless they appear in the body of the abstract). You will be notified of acceptance status no later than June 27, 2011.

For conference registration information, click here.

INEBRIA Boston and AOD-SBI Sponsors and Co-sponsors

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Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by Grant 1R13AA020158-01 from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and Grant 1R13DA031540-01 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.