Faculty Appointments and Promotions & Hiring
Deadlines for Dossier Submissions
All materials for faculty appointment and promotion dossiers must be received by the deadlines listed below, and will be included in the FAP Committee meeting, providing the appointment package is complete.
(Unmodified and Modified
Professors and
Associate Professors*) |
Submission deadline
(all other dossiers**) |
FAP Committee
Meeting |
Executive Committee
Meeting |
Letters & Certificates Distributed |
Mon, 9/2/24 |
Mon, 9/9/24 |
Thurs, 10/10/24 |
Wed, 10/16/24 |
Wed, 10/30/24 |
Mon, 10/7/24 |
Tues, 10/15/24 |
Thurs, 11/14/24 |
Wed, 11/20/24 |
Wed, 12/4/24 |
Mon, 11/4/24 |
Mon, 11/11/24 |
Tues, 12/3/24 |
Wed, 12/11/24 |
Fri, 12/20/24 |
Mon, 12/2/24 |
Mon, 12/9/24 |
Thurs, 1/9/25 |
Wed, 1/22/25 |
Wed, 2/5/25 |
Mon, 1/6/25 |
Mon, 1/13/25 |
Thurs, 2/6/25 |
Wed, 2/19/25 |
Wed, 3/5/25 |
Mon, 2/3/25 |
Mon, 2/10/25 |
Thurs, 3/6/25 |
Wed, 3/19/25 |
Wed, 4/2/25 |
Mon, 3/3/25 |
Mon, 3/10/25 |
Thurs, 4/4/25 |
Wed, 4/16/25 |
Wed, 4/30/25 |
Mon, 4/7/25 |
Mon, 4/14/25 |
Thurs, 5/8/25 |
Wed, 5/21/25 |
Wed, 6/4/25 |
Mon, 5/5/25 |
Mon, 5/12/25 |
Thurs, 6/5/25 |
Wed, 6/18/25 |
Wed, 7/2/25 |
Mon, 6/2/25 |
Mon, 6/9/25 |
Thurs, 7/10/25 |
Wed, 7/23/25 |
Wed, 8/6/25 |
* Unmodified and Modified Associate Professor and Professor (i.e. ASCP, PROF, CLPROF, CLASCP, RPROF, RASCP, AJPROF, and AJASCP) need to be assigned to FAP members for review and should be submitted a month prior to the FAP meeting.
**All other dossiers includes unmodified and modified Assistant Professors, Instructors, secondary appointments, and change in titles. These can be submitted up to three weeks before the FAP meeting.
Please note: Unmodified Associate Professor and Professor package submissions are reviewed/approved by the FAP Committee and Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Executive Committee. Per BU Bylaws, the packets are then forwarded to the BU President for review/approval (this will require more time for approval consideration). If Faculty Affairs receives an incomplete package, the package may not be included until the next meeting.
Required Documents: Appointments, Promotions & Secondary Appointments
Completed dossiers must be uploaded by designated department administrators to https://adapt.bumc.bu.edu/. If you are a faculty member, please submit the form to your department.
- FAP Checklist – Unmodified Titles (Updated 06/05/2024)
- FAP Checklist – Modified Titles (Clinical, Research, Emeritus, Adjunct) (Updated 06/20/2024)
- Log Sheet Template
- This form is for appointments or promotions to the rank of Instructor, prefix “Clinical” or “Research” Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor, and secondary appointments (requested at a separate time from primary appointment)
- Chair’s Cover Letter
- The Chair’s letter should provide a thorough description of the rationale for the proposed appointment or promotion, with particular evaluation of the excellence of the candidate relative to objective measures, outcomes, and benchmarks of pertinent peers.
- Personal Statement Template
- Personal Statements shoud only be one page in length (2 pages in extraordinary circumstances).
- In narrative format, the candidate succinctly summarizes his/her teaching, research, clinical, and service activities. Please emphasize the significance, innovation, and dissemination of your activities/work. For promotions, please only include information from the time the individual was last promoted. This needs to come directly from the candidate as a first person.
- Committee Service: Please specify the candidate’s BUSM or BU committee service and include this information within the candidate’s Personal Statement as well as the Chair’s letter.
- BU CV Template *Revised 03/12/2022*
- The date on the CV must be current and cannot be more than three months old when submitting to the Dean’s Office.
- Evaluator List
- Evaluator Letters / Solicitation Letters
- Unmodified Letter Template
- Modified Letter Template
- The letter sent by the Chair of the department requesting evaluation of the candidate must be included with submission to the Faculty Affairs Office.
- Evaluation letters must come from faculty of at least the proposed rank of the candidate.
- Evaluation letters must be on letterhead and signed.
- Evaluation letters must specifically mention the proposed rank and comment about the candidate’s contributions.
- Evaluation letters should be selected by the Department Appointment & Promotions Committee (candidates may suggest possible referees).
- For appointments and promotions to Associate Professor and full Professor with unmodified titles only, none of the evaluation letters may come from close friends, mentors, and active collaborators. The letters must be at arms-length.
- For appointments and promotions to Associate Professor or Professor with modified titles of Clinical or Research, all evaluation letters are not required to be at arms-length.
- Evaluation letters should be no more than 6 months old when submitted for FAP committee review.
- Arm’s Length Criteria
- Secondary
- If submitting the dossier at the same time as primary appointment, both chairs are required to sign the log sheet with votes from both Departments’ A&P Committees and provide joint chairs’ letter confirming the secondary appointment and specifying the role in the department.
- If not requested at the same time as primary appointment, a log sheet with signatures from both chairs and votes from the secondary department’s A&P Committee, joint chairs’ letter to the Provost confirming the secondary appointment and specifying the role in the department, and updated BU CV.
Faculty Hiring
- FPP Offer Letter Template
- PhD, etc Faculty Offer Letter Template
- For the most current offer letter templates, please email camedFAP@bu.edu
Contact Information:
Phone: 617-358-9600
Email: camedFAP@bu.edu