What service request should you complete?

Bioanalyzer Service Request Form

You should use this form if:

  • You want the BUMSR Core to perform ONLY QC analysis of your samples – RNA or cDNA

    • The Bioanalyzer cannot assay genomic DNA samples – contact us for additional options


Library Preparation + Sequencing Service Request Form

You should use this form if:

  • You have isolated RNA or small whole genomic DNA that you would like the BUMSR Core to make libraries from followed by next generation sequencing

    • If you would like 10X Single Cell/ Nuclei Libraries prepared for you, please contact the BU Single Cell Core


Single Cell/ Nucleus Next Generation Sequencing Service Request Form

You should use this form if:

  • You have already made SINGLE CELL libraries or a library pool yourself or at another facility – e.g. BU Single Cell Core – that you would like sequenced on our NextSeq platform

  • You have NOT made bulk sequencing libraries or a library pool – see the form below if so


Next Generation Sequencing Service Request Form

You should use this form if:

  • You have already made libraries or a library pool yourself or at another facility from a bulk sample that you would like sequenced on our NextSeq platform

  • You have NOT made single cell/ nucleus single cell libraries or a library pool – see the above form if so


    Microarray Service Request Form

    You should use this form if:

    • You have isolated RNA that you would like the BUMSR Core to perform microarray gene expression profiling on