Medical Students

white coatThroughout the Boston University Medical School’s academic year our faculty is involved in lecturing to the medical students on various integrative medicine topics. During their third year family medicine clerkship, medical students rotate through the integrative medicine clinic in the Ambulatory Care Center at Boston Medical Center. Dr. Saper directs the Healer’s Art elective at the Boston University Medical School.

    Web Resources for Students:


    UpToDate provides evidence based information, links, references, and quick facts about easily searchable topics. Includes the Lexi-Natural Products by Lexi-Comp. 
    Toolkit for clinicians and residents working in and teaching in communities with underserved populations.

    National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health  
    This site offers a wealth of information on alternative therapies, supplements, recent research, and training opportunities. It has live video talks.

    University of Wisconsin Family Medicine Integrative Medicine Website
    An excellent resource for clinician learning modules and patient information handouts.

    University of Minnesota, Center for Spirituality and Healing
    Online modules of different healing modalities.

    Taking Charge of your Health
    Also from the  University of Minnesota  Fantastic website for modality and conditions overviews. Colorful and easy to navigate also great techniques for motivational interviewing.

    Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine 

    Homepage for the Center for Integrative Medicine at University of Arizona. The site offers information on educational courses.

    Integrative Medicine in Residency Competency-based, Online Curriculum

    A 200-hour competency-based, online curriculum in integrative medicine, designed for incorporation into primary care residency education.

    Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine and Health
    The mission of the Consortium is to advance integrative medicine and health through academic institutions and health systems.

    BU Alumni Medical Library 
    The BU Alumni Medical Library has gathered an expansive list of resources surrounding complementary therapies

    Clinical resources at the point of care

    Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database
    This database offers subscribers information on supplements (i.e. ingredients, interactions, safety), comparison of conventional and alternative approach to treatment of illnesses, CME courses, and daily updates. (for a fee) The Consumer Reports Web site also hosts the NMCD monographs.

    Natural Medicine 
    This site is the result of an international collaboration with the aim to provide clinicians and patients with information about complementary and alternative medicine. The site utilizes peer-reviewed and evidence-based information to delegate a well-defined grading scale for therapeutic interventions (for a fee).

    Medline Plus Complementary and Integrative Medicine 
    A free resource for information on complementary and alternative medicine. Dietary supplement information is sourced by Natural Standard. Patient information sheets in Spanish.

    Clinical resources at the point of care – Dietary Supplements

    Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS), NIH
    The Office of Dietary Supplements reviews and provides free information on dietary supplements.

    United States Pharmacopeia Dietary Supplements (USP)
    The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) is an official public standards–setting authority for all prescription and over–the–counter medicines and other health care products manufactured or sold in the United States. The site offers quality and safety information database that includes information on commercial supplements to members for a fee.

    Consumer Labs

    Consumer Labs is the leading provider of independent test results and information to help consumers and healthcare professionals evaluate health, wellness, and nutrition products. The site offers product reviews, recalls and warnings, and price checks to members (for a fee).

    Evidence based reviews and information

    The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

    This site offers evidence reports on dietary supplements and complementary and alternative care practices.

    CAM on PubMed
    CAM on PubMed, a database on the Web developed jointly by NCCAM and the National Library of Medicine, offers citations to (and in most cases, abstracts of) articles in scientifically based, peer- reviewed journals on complementary and alternative medicine. It has links to full text, and allows searchers to limit retrievals by publication type. Look for the Alerts and Advisories, treatment information, resources, links to other organizations (FDA, AHRQ, ODS etc.).

    Clinical Trial Database
    The Clinical Trial Database provides information on all CAM and dietary supplement clinical trials being conducted by the US government.

    Cancer education

    Memorial Sloan Kettering
    This site provides helpful information about herbs, supplements, and other integrative cancer medicine information.

    Nutrition Information
    Information about nutrition for adults, children, special diets, and weight management, including resources for patients at the point of care.

    Teacher’s Guide to Pediatric Nutrition
    The Nutrition SIG of the Ambulatory Pediatric Associations presents this tool for teaching and self-learning.