Why Choose the Graduate Program in Genetics & Genomics (GPGG)?
You will get a quality education in Genetics & Genomics with relevant, hands-on experience in laboratory research. See the Academic Program Pages for this information.
The Graduate Program in Genetics and Genomics (GPGG) offers several perks to their students, including enhanced access to Genome Science Institute (GSI) support!
What are these Perks?
GPGG Student Travel Awards:
The BU-GSI has funds allocated each year to support GPGG students with travel awards. Students have the opportunity to apply for a travel award with deadlines twice a year, these funds can then be used towards scientific conferences, meetings, and/or symposia as an extension of their PhD student training. Click here to learn more about GPGG’s travel awards.
Exclusive Access to a Personal GSI-Supported Laptop Computer for Thesis Research:
Upon acceptance into the GPGG, each student can get access to a new GSI-purchased laptop for the duration of their PhD thesis research. Since genomics absolutely requires sophisticated computational tools to carry out analysis, the GSI’s partnership with the GPGG will equip students with a GSI-owned laptop that GPGG students can hold onto during the duration of their PhD work.
Additional Mentoring from GSI Directors and GPGG Directors:
GPGG students will have direct mentoring access to GSI and GPGG directors to be able to engage in Institute and University initiatives. These opportunities will include inviting and hosting seminar speakers and receiving one-on-one mentoring in critical areas such as bioinformatics.
For further questions on GPGG student perks, please email the GPGG at gpgg@bu.edu.