Evans Center ARC Seminars, Symposia and Special Events

Upcoming ARC Events

Calendar of Upcoming ARC Events and Seminars Spring 2024


ARC Name/ Director(s) Symposium/


Title of Event Date


Interdisciplinary Approach to Tuberculosis Research  (TIARA ARC)/

CoDirectors: Karen Jacobson (Karen.Jacobson@bmc.org),Charles ‘Bob’ Horsburgh (rhorsbu@bu.edu), Laura White (lfwhite@bu.edu)








Research Talk



Research Talk


Featuring Dr. Tim Rodwell, “Breaking up with Culture: A Future of TB Diagnosis Based on DNA and Blood”



Featuring Dr. Rebecca Clark, title TBD


Featuring Dr. Alanna Brennan, title TBD


May 9,  2024





May 23, 2024


June 6, 2024


Evans Seminar Room, E112A




Crosstown 2020


Crosstown 2020

Fibrosis ARC: Connecting Tissues and Investigators (FCTI) ARC Program/ CoDirectors: Maria Trojanowska (trojanme@bu.edu), Irving Bigio (bigio@bu.edu), Bob Varelas (xvarelas@bu.edu)  








Sudhir Kumar
(Nephrology, BUMC)



Zhen Jiang (Pharmacology Physiology and Biophysics, BUMC)


May 9, 2024




June 13, 2024

Boston University Medical Campus (Seminars in room K103)
Precision Medicine for Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders ARC Program /CoDirectors:

Lindsay Farrer (farrer@bu.edu), Rhoda Au (rhodaau@bu.edu), Alice Cronin-Golomb (alicecg@bu.edu)


Research Talks



2024 Symposium













Speaker: Phillip Hwang
Speaker: Kathleen Morgan



Inflammation, Immunity and Alzheimer’s Disease: From Mechanisms to Potential Therapeutics

[speakers: Katerina Akassoglou, MD (UCSF); Cynthia Lemers, PhD (HMS); Dorothy Schager, PhD (UMass); Richard Sherva, PhD (BU); Malù Tansey, PhD (UFla); Daniel Watterson, PhD (Northwestern U)]



May 8, 2024

June 12, 2024





May 10, 2024
12:00– 4:00pm est






























Musculoskeletal Biology Over a Lifespan (MHet ARC)/ CoDirectors:

David Felson (dfelson@bu.edu), Paola Divieti Pajevic (pdivieti@bu.edu), LaDora Thompson (lvthomp@bu.edu)








Annual MHet Symposium




May 24, 2024 (tentative)






Thrombosis and Hemostasis ARC Program/

Co-Directors: Vipul Chitalia (vichital@bu.edu), Katya Ravid (kravid@bu.edu), Jean Francis (Jean.Francis@bmc.org)


Invited collaborative mini-Symposium with the CVI


2024 Mini-symposium Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Craig Morrell

Topic: Thrombosis in the Lung


June 4, 2024



In person

Medical Campus

650 Albany St, X715

A Multi-Disciplinary Program to Identify Predictors of Efficacy and Resistance to Cancer Checkpoint Inhibition (PIPER-C ARC)/

CoDirectors: Matt Kulke (Matthew.Kulke@bmc.org), Evan Johnson (wej@bu.edu), David Sherr(dsherr@bu.edu), Gerald Denis (gdenis@bu.edu)




June 4, 2024




Mobile and Electronic (ME)-Health ARC Program/

Director: Belinda Borrelli (belindab@bu.edu); Leadership: Rebecca Mishuris, Swathi Kiran

Invited Seminar Speakers; watch for current announcements for details TBD TBD
Bridging Basic and Clinical Science to Reduce Harms and Consequences of Persistent or Risky Substance Use (SUD-Pre-ARC)/ CoDirectors: Venetia Zachariou (vzachar@bu.edu), Alex Walley(Alexander.Walley@bmc.org), Preclinical consultant:

Kathleen Kantak (kkantak@bu.edu)



Synopsis 5’





Research on Tap


Bridging Basic and Clinical Science to Reduce Consequences of Substance Use


Date in June to be announced



Date for Fall semester to be announced


Synopsis 5’, MED






Respiratory Viruses: a focus on COVID-19 ARC program/ Director:  Markus Bosmann

(mbosmann@bu.edu), Mohsan Saeed (msaeed1@bu.edu)

Spring events have just concluded. Check back for event dates for next semester.


Printable ARC Seminars Symposia Special Events, 2017-2021


ARCs during April 1, 2017-March 31, 2018

Mobile and Electronic Health (ME-Health), Director, Dr. Belinda Borrelli, Co-Directors, Drs. Lisa Quintiliani and Tibor Palfai

Systems Biology Approaches to Microbiome Research, Co-Directors, Drs. Daniel Segrè and Evan Johnson

Precision Medicine for Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders, Co-Directors, Drs. Rhoda Au, Alice Cronin-Golomb and Lindsay Farrer

Etiology and Pathogenesis of Oral Cancer (EPOC), Co- Directors, Drs. Maria Kukuruzinska, Avrum Spira and Maria Trojanowska

Thrombosis to Hemostasis in Health and Disease, Co-Directors, Drs. Vipul Chitalia, Jean Francis and Katya Ravid

Preserving Child Health and Preventing Unhealthy Aging: The PnemoniARC, Director, Dr. Jay Mizgerd

ARC Programs

Protein Trafficking and Neurodegenerative Disease, Director, Dr. Lindsay Farrer

Highlight of activities

May 30, 2017: Thrombosis to Hemostasis ARC, “Normalizing the Thrombosis Risk by Targeting Uremic Thrombosis Axis?”, Dr. Vipul Chitalia

July 11, 2017: TDRR, collaboration with Office of Technology and CTSI, R MacDonald presented Evans Center IBR and IBRO

October 3, 2017: Evans Center Seminar, “Insights Into Vascular Calcification Through the Study of Rare Disease”, Dr. Cynthia St. Hilaire, Asst Prof, Dept Medicine, Cardiology, Univ of Pittsburgh

November 2, 2017: 2nd Annual Mobile and Electronic Health Symposium

November 7, 2017: Systems Biology Approaches to Microbiome Research ARC, Special Seminar

November 8, 2017: Precision Medicine in Alzheimer Disease ARC, Special Seminar

November 15, 2017: Precision Medicine in Alzheimer Disease ARC, Museum of Science Lee and Nile Albright Annual Symposium “Precision Medicine:Precision Health”

December 6, 2017: Research on Tap, Connecting Tissues and Investigators: Fibrosis in health and disease – 13 presentations, this forum will present the Fibrosis preARC to inform and find potential collaborators

December 8, 2017: Microbiome ARC talk w KRavid, presentation to Biology Department – this forum will present the potential collaborations available across departments and campuses

January 8, 2018: Evans Center, Boston Nutrition Research Center ad Endocrinology Grand Rounds, “How they Talk! Inter-organ Communication and Diabetes Pathogenesis”, Keynote speaker, Dr. Richard Bergman, Director, Cedars – Sinai Diabetes and Obesity Research Institute (DORI), Alfred Jay Firestein Chair in Diabetes Research, Cedars – Sinai Medical Center, Professor – in – Residence, Department of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles

January 18, 2018: Tissue Fibrosis: Connecting Tissues and Investigators, Introductions and Initial Meeting

February 14, 2018: Systems Biology Approaches to Microbiome Research ARC, Mini-Symposium, Microbiome Day

March 21, 2018: Environmental Toxicants, Initiative introduction, Drs. Jessica Fetterman, David Sherr and Stefano Monti

March 28, 2018: BU-wide Event, BU Technology Wonders: Potential Biomedical Applications | Speakers: 1 Michelle Sander, Engineering, ENG “Infrared Laser Technology: Label-free Photothermal Imaging and Nerve Stimulation”, 2 Kamil Ekinci, Mechanical Engineering, ENG “Harnessing Nanomechanical Fluctuations of Cells for Drug Susceptibility Testing”, 3 Wilson Wong, Biomedical Engineering, ENG “Synthetic Biology in Cancer Cellular Immunotherapy”, 4 James ‘Jacy’ Bird, Mechanical Engineering, ENG “Measuring and Modeling Bioaerosol Transport”, 5 Joyce Wong, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, ENG “Biomaterials to Detect and Treat Disease”, 6 Allison Dennis, Biomedical Engineering, ENG “Heavy Metal-Free Quantum Dots for Biomedical Imaging and Biosensing”, 7 Mark Grinstaff, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Director, Nanotechnology Innovation Center at BU, ENG “Mechanoresponsive Drug Delivery”, 8 Darren Roblyer, Biomedical Engineering, ENG “Diffuse Optics for Deep Tissue Functional Imaging”, 9 Selim Ünlü, Electrical and Computer Engineering, ENG “Interferometric Imaging: Detection and Visualization of Biological Nanoparticles and Digital Microarrays”, 10 Ji-Xin Cheng, Electrical and Computer Engineering, ENG “Chemical Imaging for Molecule-based Diagnosis & Treatment”, 11 Yannis Paschalidis, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Systems Engineering, Director, Center for Information and Systems Engineering, ENG “Health Analytics for Personalized Predictions and Prescriptions”, 12 Muhammad Zaman, Biomedical Engineering, ENG “Saving Lives through Safer Drugs”

ARCs during April 1, 2018-March 31, 2019

Tobacco Regulatory Science, Co-Directors, Drs. Jessica Fetterman, Naomi Hamburg, Andrew Stokes and Stine Grodal

Connecting Tissues and Investigators (Fibrosis in Pathology), Co-Directors, Drs. Maria Trojanowska, Irving Bigio and Bob Varelas

Mobile and Electronic Health (ME-Health), Director, Dr. Belinda Borrelli, Co-Directors, Drs. Lisa Quintiliani and Tibor Palfai

Systems Biology Approaches to Microbiome Research, Co-Directors, Drs. Daniel Segrè and Evan Johnson

Precision Medicine for Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders, Co-Directors, Drs. Rhoda Au, Alice Cronin-Golomb and Lindsay Farrer

ARC Programs

Thrombosis to Hemostasis in Health and Disease, Co-Directors, Drs. Vipul Chitalia ( vichital@bu.edu), Jean Francis and Katya Ravid

Etiology and Pathogenesis of Oral Cancer (EPOC), Co- Directors, Drs. Maria Kukuruzinska ( mkukuruz@bu.edu), Avrum Spira and Maria Trojanowska

Protein Trafficking and Neurodegenerative Disease, Director, Dr. Lindsay Farrer ( farrer@bu.edu

Highlight of activities

April 10, 2018: BU/VA Cancer & Thrombosis mini-Symposium | 12:30p – 5:00p | seminar rooms X714&715 | 650 Albany St, 7th floor

May 7, 2018: State of the ARCs mini-Symposium | 2:00p – 5:00p | seminar rooms X714&715 | 650 Albany St, 7th floor

September 2018: Neurodegenerative Disease-Associated Cardiovascular Disease mini-symposium led by Drs. Victoria Bolotina and Benjamin Wolozin, hosted by BU IBRO/Evans Center IBR/MAS

January 23, 2019: Luncheon seminar by Dan Lilly, Small Business Innovation SBIR Advisor, will provide an overview of the SBIR program, including information on the program’s purpose, elegibility and sources of funding and ideas of what is necessary to succeed. | 11:30a – 1:00p | seminar room X714 | 650 Albany St, 7th floor | Hosted by Evans Center for IBR, IBRO and Office of Vice Chair for Research

February 6, 2019: BU Data Science (BUDS) Day | 8:30a – 5:30p | Trustee Ballroom, Metcalf Trustee Center |1 Silber Way, 9th floor | http://www.bu.edu/datascience/buds2019/

February 26, 2019: Environmental Toxicants Program-in-discussion, Mini-Retreat | 1:00p – 3:00p | seminar room X714 | 650 Albany St, 7th floor

March 12, 2019: Workshop over lunch | Patenting your invention and developing biotech industry partnerships | 12:00p – 1:00p | seminar room X714 | 650 Albany St, 7th floor | Hosted by Evans Center for IBR, IBRO and Office of Vice Chair for Research | Presented by Thomas McMurry, BU OTD and Marc Scatamacchia, BU Industry Engagement

March 20, 2019: Research on Tap: High Tech and High Touch: Digital Innovations from BU’s Mobile and Electronic Health ARC | 4:00p – 6:00p | Trustee Ballroom, Metcalf Trustee Center |1 Silber Way, 9th floor | Hosted by Belinda Borrelli, Professor, Health Policy & Health Services Research, and Director, Center for Behavioral Science Research, SDM; Director and PI, ME-Health ARC

March 31, 2019: Research on Tap: Mechanobiology: How Force and Stretch Shape Life | 4:00p – 6:00p | Photonics Colloquium Room | 8 St. Mary’s St, 9th floor | Hosted by Bioengineering (Dr. E. Morgan) and IBRO (Dr. K. Ravid)


ARCs during April 1, 2019-March 31, 2020

Tobacco Regulatory Science, Co-Directors, Drs. Jessica Fetterman (jefetter@bu.edu), Naomi Hamburg, Andrew Stokes and Stine Grodal

Connecting Tissues and Investigators (Fibrosis in Pathology), Co-Directors, Drs. Maria Trojanowska, Irving Bigio and Bob Varelas ( xvarelas@bu.edu)

Mobile and Electronic Health (ME-Health), Director, Dr. Belinda Borrelli (belindab@bu.edu), Co-Directors, Drs. Lisa Quintiliani and Tibor Palfai 

Systems Biology Approaches to Microbiome Research, Co-Directors, Drs. Daniel Segrè ( dsegre@bu.edu) and Evan Johnson

Precision Medicine for Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders, Co-Directors, Drs. Rhoda Au ( rhodaau@bu.edu), Alice Cronin-Golomb and Lindsay Farrer

ARC Programs

Thrombosis to Hemostasis in Health and Disease, Co-Directors, Drs. Vipul Chitalia ( vichital@bu.edu), Jean Francis and Katya Ravid

Etiology and Pathogenesis of Oral Cancer (EPOC), Co- Directors, Drs. Maria Kukuruzinska ( mkukuruz@bu.edu), Avrum Spira and Maria Trojanowska

Protein Trafficking and Neurodegenerative Disease, Director, Dr. Lindsay Farrer ( farrer@bu.edu

Highlight of activities

April 10, 2019: BU VA mini-symposium, “Cancer-Associated Thrombosis and Vascular Dysfunction: From Molecular to Large Data Bases”, hosted by the ECIBR Thrombosis to Hemostasis ARC, IBRO, BUMC Cancer Center, the CTSI, Boston VA Healthcare and MAS

May, 2019: presentation of field-test preliminary studies at American Thoracis Society conference, progress will lead to submission of 2 manuscripts and a second RO1 in Feb 2020 (first was recommended for funding after first submission, “Delivery of a Smoking Cessation Induction Intervention via Virtual Reality Headset During a Dental Cleaning”)

October 3, 2019: Evans Days presentation of State of the ARCs – this forum is to highlight interdisciplinary achievements of funded ARCs and to invite continued cross-pollination of ideas from both campuses

November 4, 2019: Tobacco Regulatory Science ARC mini-symposium – this forum was to engage the CRC researchers, especially those who have been unable to travel to MED campus for regular meetings

December, 2019

Tentative, Spring 2020: Collaborative programming with Lucie Rochard of MassBio and the Mass Academy of Sciences focused on two goals: (1)  focused on connecting resources of all three entities through shared symposia and networking, and (2) hopefully to bring new ARC ideas to fruition; tentative – Spring 2020, State of the ARCs mini-symposia (same program presented during Evans Days, Oct 3, 2019) to include 6 ARC speakers and 6 MAS speakers

March/April 2020

Beginning March 2020, pandemic-related shut-down and stay-at-home orders were in effect resulting in cancelling in-person events scheduled for April-August 2020, and rescheduling until we could pivot as a university community and resume activities online.

March 16, 2020: Adolescent Health Equity, Prevention, and Translation (AdHEPT) pre-ARC Inaugural Public Meeting and Meet and Greet, held via Zoom, Director: Monica Wang, ScD, Assistant Professor, Community Health Sciences Department, BUSPH AdHEPT pre-ARC Co-Director: Kimberly Nelson, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Community Health Sciences Department, BUSPH

POSTPONED, rescheduled for 2021: March 30, 2020: Tobacco Regulatory Science ARC Symposium, Keynote Speaker, Dr. Stanton Glantz, USCF, is an internationally renowned expert in the cardiovascular effects of tobacco products and the impact of tobacco control policies on use patterns.


ARCs during April 1, 2020-March 31, 2021

Respiratory Viruses: a focus on COVID-19, Director, Markus Bosmann ( mbosmann@bu.edu) and Co-Director, Mohsan Saeed

Tobacco Regulatory Science, Co-Directors, Drs. Jessica Fetterman (jefetter@bu.edu), Naomi Hamburg, Andrew Stokes and Stine Grodal

Connecting Tissues and Investigators (Fibrosis in Pathology), Co-Directors, Drs. Maria Trojanowska, Irving Bigio and Bob Varelas ( xvarelas@bu.edu)

Pre-ARC: Platform Development for Evaluation of Tryptophan Metabolites and the Cancer Microbiome, Co-Directors: Matt Kulke ( mkulke@bu.edu) and James Galagan

ARC Programs

Mobile and Electronic Health (ME-Health), Director, Dr. Belinda Borrelli (belindab@bu.edu), Co-Directors, Drs. Lisa Quintiliani and Tibor Palfai

Systems Biology Approaches to Microbiome Research, Co-Directors, Drs. Daniel Segrè ( dsegre@bu.edu) and Evan Johnson

Thrombosis to Hemostasis in Health and Disease, Co-Directors, Drs. Vipul Chitalia ( vichital@bu.edu), Jean Francis and Katya Ravid

Precision Medicine for Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders, Co-Directors, Drs. Rhoda Au ( rhodaau@bu.edu), Alice Cronin-Golomb and Lindsay Farrer

Protein Trafficking and Neurodegenerative Disease, Director, Dr. Lindsay Farrer ( farrer@bu.edu

Highlight of activities

March/April 2020

Beginning March 2020, pandemic-related shut-down and stay-at-home orders were in effect resulting in cancelling in-person events scheduled for April-August 2020, and rescheduling until we could pivot as a university community and resume activities online.

October 1, 2020: Tobacco Regulatory Science ARC, 3-5:30p, “Tobacco Regulatory Science ARC Annual Symposium”, invited speaker Stanton Glantz, PhD, UCSF (postponed his talk due to COVID-19 hospitalization), talks instead given by ARC researchers & collaborators.

November 5, 2020: Evans Day, Shining Light on BU Affinity Research Collaboratives (ARCs), 12:30-1:30p: BU Covid-19 pre-clinical ARC research | “Innovative approaches to Covid-19 pre-clinical research and relevance to equitable care” by co-Directors Drs. Markus Bosmann and Mohan Saeed and Drs. Darrell Kotton, Benjamin Linas and Dr. Jay Mizgerd, “Respiratory Viruses as an epidemic now, and beyond”

November 12, 2020: Mobile Health ARC, 1-4p, “4th Annual Symposium“, invited speakers Susan Murphy, PhD, Radcliffe Institute, “Challenges in Developing Online Learning Algorithms to Dynamically Personalize Mobile Health Interventions” & David C Mohr, PhD, BU Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies (CBITs), “Making Digital Mental Health Work in the Real World”

November 17, 2020: Fibrosis ARC, 1-3:45p, “Fibrosis ARC symposium: identifying and understanding conserved and organ-specific mechanisms associated with tissue fibrosis” 

November 30, 2020: “Colloquium: Health Disparity Research at BUMC”, chaired by Drs. Katya Ravid and David Coleman (49 faculty in attendance)

January 25, 2021: Tobacco Regulatory Science ARC, 3-4p, Omar El Shahawy, MPH, MD, PhD, “Evaluation of Factors Associated with E-Cigarette Use Perceptions and Patterns ”

January 26, 2021: Connecting Tissues and Investigators: Fibrosis ARC, 2-3p, Steven Huang, MD “Epigenetics of lung fibrosis”

February 8, 2021: Tobacco Regulatory Science ARC , 3-4p, Stanton Glanz, PhD, UCSF, “E-cigarettes: Back to the Future” 

February 23, 2021: pre-ARC exploration via a Research on Tap mini-symposium: “Eliminating Health Disparities: Society & Biomedicine”, 2-3:30p

March 1, 2021: pre-ARC exploration via a Synopsis 5’ mini-symposium: “Eliminating Health Disparities: Society & Biomedicine”, 3-5p

March 19, 2021: Mobile Health ARC, 1-2:15p, Molly Waring, PhD, Assoc Prof, UConn Dept of Allied Health Sciences and Center for mHealth & Social Media, “Use of Social Media in Health Research: Methods & Considerations for Observational Studies and Intervention Research”

March 30, 2021: Fibrosis ARC, 2-3p, Amy Bradshaw, Medical University of South Carolina, “Unraveling Cardiac Collagen: Exploring Cellular Mechanisms in Regression of Fibrosis”


ARCs during April 1, 2021-March 31, 2022

Respiratory Viruses: a focus on COVID-19, Director, Markus Bosmann ( mbosmann@bu.edu) and Co-Director, Mohsan Saeed

Tobacco Regulatory Science, Co-Directors, Drs. Jessica Fetterman (jefetter@bu.edu), Naomi Hamburg, Andrew Stokes and Stine Grodal

Connecting Tissues and Investigators (Fibrosis in Pathology), Co-Directors, Drs. Maria Trojanowska, Irving Bigio and Bob Varelas ( xvarelas@bu.edu)

Pre-ARC: Platform Development for Evaluation of Tryptophan Metabolites and the Cancer Microbiome, Co-Directors: Matt Kulke ( mkulke@bu.edu) and James Galagan

ARC Programs

Mobile and Electronic Health (ME-Health), Director, Dr. Belinda Borrelli (belindab@bu.edu), Co-Directors, Drs. Lisa Quintiliani and Tibor Palfai

Systems Biology Approaches to Microbiome Research, Co-Directors, Drs. Daniel Segrè ( dsegre@bu.edu) and Evan Johnson

Thrombosis to Hemostasis in Health and Disease, Co-Directors, Drs. Vipul Chitalia ( vichital@bu.edu), Jean Francis and Katya Ravid

Precision Medicine for Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders, Co-Directors, Drs. Rhoda Au ( rhodaau@bu.edu), Alice Cronin-Golomb and Lindsay Farrer

Protein Trafficking and Neurodegenerative Disease, Director, Dr. Lindsay Farrer ( farrer@bu.edu

Highlight of activities

Apr 9, 2021: Precision Medicine in Alzheimer Disease ARC, mini-symposium: “Cognitive Resilience: clinical and translational science”

May 10, 2021: Thrombosis and hemostasis ARC, symposium: “Covid-19 and thrombosis complications”, (chaired by Drs. Ravid and Chitalia, 12-2p, Yogen Kanthi, MD, NHLBI, NIH & Jean Marie Connors, MD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

May 11, 2021: COVID-19 ARC, seminar, Dario Zamboni, PhD, University of São Paulo, Brazil, “Inflammasomes are activated in response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and are associated with COVID-19 severity in patients”

June 4, 2021: BU Renal Grand Rounds, co-hosted by the Fibrosis ARC, Ben Humphreys, MD, PhD, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, “Kidney Injury, Repair and Failed Repair: Lessons from Single Cell Multi-Omic Analyses”, 1-2p

ARCs during April 1, 2022-March 31, 2023

April 12, 2022: COVID-19 ARC, Special Seminar, Nihal Altan-Bonnet, PhD, NHLBI, “Garbage in, garbage out? Coronavirus sneaking in and out of cells”, 3-4pm, Invited by ARC Director Markus Bosmann

April 28, 2022: Mobile and Electronic Health ARC’s 5th annual symposium,  ME-ARC and Hariri FRP joint symposium, Integrating Innovations in Computing Systems & Applied Mobile Health”. This symposium is jointly sponsored with Hariri Institute’s Focused Research Program on the Continuous Analysis of Mobile Health Data Among Medically Vulnerable Populations; featuring speakers from academia and industry, focus on how advancements in computing systems can transform the way health information is delivered to the public, 12-4pm, ARC Director Belinda Borrelli

May 17, 2022: Precision Medicine in Alzheimer’s Disease ARC Program, annual international symposium, “Life Course Factors and Social Disparities for Dementia“, ARC Co-Director, Lindsay Farrer

June 8, 2022: ARC Research Retreat: Current and Future Directions, co-hosted by the IBRO and CTSI, presentations by ARC Directors, Round Table Discussions facilitated by Mark Braun and attended by all participants [A. Survey on Creating a DoM Research Forum; B. What new ARCs or Programs or Centers might be proposed as stemming from existing ARC Programs, or unrelated to ARCs including an ARC program veering into an extended new ARC proposal; C. Mapping a successful path to more robust funding: Foundation Relations, moderated by Katharine Canfield (In-person event, attendance, 35)

June 16, 2022: ME-Health ARC Directors Belinda Borrelli and Lisa Quintiliani and PIPER-C ARC Director Matt Kulke, panel discussion as part of the CTSI Community Engaged Research Speaker Series, discuss interdisciplinary applications of community engaged research (Zoom)

June 21, 2022: Cardio- Cancer seminar event, virtual Mini-Symposium co-hosted by the CVI, and the Thrombosis ARC, Keynote Speakers: Elisabeth M. Battinelli M.D./Ph.D., Division of Hematology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, “The Role of Platelets in Tumor Growth, Metastasis, and Immune Evasion” and Owen McCarty, Ph.D., FAHA, Professor & Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, “Cancer metastasis & the blood microenvironment: the good, bad and the sticky” (Zoom)

July, 2022: Initial email invitation sent to DoM Faculty to participate in the DoM Researchers Forum; organized by the Evans Center and spearheaded by Drs. K.Ravid and D.Salant; first meeting was in-person on Tues, Oct 18 at 1p, followed by a second, virtual meeting on Thurs, Dec 8 at 3p.

October 6, 2022: Inaugural Aging Research Symposium, hosted by the new Department of Dermatology-based leaders Vladimir Botchkarev, Rhoda Alani and Vyacheslav ‘Slava’ Labunskyy

October 18, 2022: (1st meeting) Researchers Forum, in person at 1pm in W502

October 27, 2022: Participation in The International Team Science Conference is hosting a Discussion Panel by BU ARC leaders.

Topic: Team Science through Affinity Research Collaboratives: Addressing Biomedical Problems at University and National Levels

Panel Leaders: Katya Ravid, DSc; David Coleman, MD; Rhoda Au, PhD; Lindsay Farrer, PhD; Vipul Chitalia, MD/PhD and Lisa Quintiliani, MD

November 9, 2022: COVID-19 ARC Special joint-Microbiology Seminar, virtual at noon, “Deciphering the determinants of Omicron pathogenicity”, presented by Mohsan Saeed ARC co-director

December 8, 2022: (2nd meeting) Researchers Forum, virtual at 3pm

December 13, 2022: COVID-19 ARC Special Keynote Speaker (hybrid, 11a-12p), “Large-scale recoding of SARS-CoV-2 to generate live-attenuated vaccines” | Dr. Volker Thiel, Prof of Virology, University of Bern, Switzerland

March 30 meetings:

April 4, 2023: COVID-19 ARC Special Keynote Speaker (hybrid, 3-4p),

April 11, 2023: Precision Medicine in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders ARC Program, 3rd Annual FHS-BAP Symposium, (virtual, 1-4:30p)