2015 CPDD Retreat

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The 2015 RAMS College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) retreat was a 4-day experience that was held in Phoenix, Arizona June 13-16, 2015.  Scholars attended the NIDA-funded, 77th annual international CPDD conference and participated in conference activities. The goal of the RAMS CPDD Retreat was to support scholars in getting the most out of a scientific research meeting. Scholars received guidance from their mentors on preparing for the conference, selecting sessions to attend, reviewing abstracts, and networking with other researchers in the field.  In addition to the conference and program sessions, scholars attended a poster presentation session with the RAMS Program Director to learn how to most effectively utilize this rich conference feature. The CPDD retreat builds on the work done during the Boston Retreat, as it enables Scholars to participate in a large scientific research conference, taking full advantage of the many opportunities to learn and network in preparation for their future as research clinicians in the field of Addiction Medicine.