Analytical Instrumentation Core (AIC)

The mission of the BUMC Analytical Instrumentation Core (AIC) is to advance research and education in the Department of Medicine at Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine and at Boston Medical Center by providing cutting-edge analytical instruments. We ensure the optimal maintenance of all core instruments and offer open access to these resources to enhance their availability for investigators. Our support extends to helping researchers secure extramural funding and stay at the forefront of innovation through regular seminars on new instrumentation and techniques.

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Instruments, Services and Rates

  1. Sartorius Octet R8 BLI Label-Free Biomolecular Interaction Analysis System (New Instrument!)
  2. Protein/Cytokine Array Service
  3. qPCR Array Service
  4. Seahorse XF96e Oxygen Analyzer (Metabolic Array) Service
  5. Fatty Acid, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Monosaccharide Analysis

 Instrument Assistance Internal Rates

Effective  Internal Rates

External Rates
(Principal Investigators within Boston University) PIs within DOM DOM Subsidy PIs outside of DOM DOM Subsidy

Cell & Blood Analyzers
Sartorius Octet R8 BLI Label-Free Biomolecular Interaction Analysis System Unassisted $45 per 180 minutes $27 $18 $40.50 $4.50 $80.10 per 180 minutes
Assisted $105 per 180 minutes $63 $42 $94.50 $10.50 $186.90 per 180 minutes
IDEXX Chemistry Analyzer Unassisted $25 per 30 min $15 $10 $22.50 $2.50 $44.50 per 30 min
Assisted $55 per 30 min $33 $22 $49.50 $5.50 $97.90 per 30 min
Seahorse XF96e Oxygen Analyzer (Metabolic Arrays) Unassisted $125 per run (up to 2.5 hrs) $75 $50 $112.50 $12.50 $220.50 per run (up to 2.5 hrs)
Assisted $185 per run (up to 2.5 hrs) $111 $74 $166.50 $18.50 $329.30 per run (up to 2.5 hrs)
HEMAVET 950 FS Auto Blood Analyzer Unassisted $50 per hr $30 $20 $45 $5 $89 per hr
Assisted $110 per hr $66 $44 $99 $11 $195.80 per hr
Nexcelom Cell Counter Unassisted $12.50 per 15 min $7.50 $5 $11.25 $1.25 $22.25 per 15 min
Assisted $27.50 per 15 min $16.50 $11 $24.75 $2.75 $48.95 per 15 min
Miltenyi Automacs Cell Separator Unassisted $25 per 30 min $15 $10 $22.50 $2.50 $44.50 per 30 min
Assisted $55 per 30 min $33 $22 $49.50 $5.50 $97.90 per 30 min
Luminex Magpix Unassisted $100 per run (up to 70 min) $60 $40 $90 $10 $178 per run (up to 70 min)
Assisted $170 per run (up to 70 min) $102 $68 $153 $17 $302.60 per run (up to 70 min)
Meso Scale Discovery (MSD) Sector Imager 2400A Unassisted $50 per hr $30 $20 $45 $5 $89 per hr
Assisted $110 per hr $66 $44 $99 $11 $195.80 per hr
DropArray LT210 Washing Station Unassisted $25 per 30 min $15 $10 $22.50 $2.50 $44.50 per 30 min
Assisted $55 per 30 min $33 $22 $49.50 $5.50 $97.90 per 30 min
 Microplate Readers
Tecan M1000 Pro Plate Reader Unassisted $10 per 10 min $6 $4 $9 $1 $17.80 per 10 min
Assisted $20 per 10 min $12 $8 $18 $2 $36 per 10 min
Tecan Infinite M200 Pro Microplate Reader Unassisted $10 per 10 min $6 $4 $9 $1 $17.80 per 10 min
Assisted $20 per 10 min $12 $8 $18 $2 $36 per 10 min
Molecular Devices i3x Unassisted $10 per 10 min $6 $4 $9 $1 $17.80 per 10 min
Assisted $20 per 10 min $12 $8 $18 $2 $36 per 10 min
GloMax Luminometer Unassisted $10 per 10 min $6 $4 $9 $1 $17.80 per 10 min
Assisted $20 per 10 min $12 $8 $18 $2 $36 per 10 min
NanoDrop Spectrophotometer (ND-2000) Unassisted $10 per 10 min $6 $4 $9 $1 $17.80 per 10 min
Assisted $20 per 10 min $12 $8 $18 $2 $36 per 10 min
NanoDrop Spectrophotometer (ND-1000) Unassisted $10 per 10 min $6 $4 $9 $1 $17.80 per 10 min
Assisted $20 per 10 min $12 $8 $18 $2 $36 per 10 min
Bauch and Lomb Spectrophotometer Unassisted $10 per 10 min $6 $4 $9 $1 $17.80
Assisted $20 per 10 min $12 $8 $18 $2 $36 per 10 min
qPCR/PCR Machines and Software
QuantStudio 12K FLEX qPCR System Unassisted $34 per run (up to 2 hrs) $20.40 $13.60 $30.60 $3.40 $60.52 per run (up to 2 hrs)
Assisted $94 per run (up to 2 hrs) $56 $38 $85 $9 $167 per run (u to 2 hrs)
RT-PCR System StepOne Plus Unassisted $34 per run (up to 2 hrs) $20.40 $13.60 $30.60 $3.40 $60.52 per run
Assisted $94 per run (up to 2 hrs) $56 $38 $85 $9 $167 per run (up to 2 hrs)
Primer Express Software v3.0 Unassisted $34 per run (up to 2 hrs) $20.40 $13.60 $30.60 $3.40 $60.52 per run (up to 2 hrs)
Assisted $94 per run (up to 2 hrs) $56 $38 $85 $9 $167 per run (up to 2 hrs)
7900 HT Fast Real-Time PCR System Unassisted $34 per run (up to 2 hrs) $20.40 $13.60 $30.60 $3.40 $60.52 per run (up to 2 hrs)
Assisted $94 per run (up to 2 hrs) $56 $38 $85 $9 $167 per run (up to 2 hrs)
Bio-Rad S1000 Thermocycler Unassisted $34 per run (up to 2 hrs) $20.40 $13.60 $30.60 $3.40 $60.52 per run (up to 2 hrs)
Assisted $94 per run (up to 2 hrs) $56 $38 $85 $9 $167 per run (up to 2 hrs)
Luminescent and Gel Imagers
Fujifilm LAS-4000 Gel Imagers (2 Sets) Unassisted $8.50 per 10 min $5.10 $3.40 $7.65 $0.85 $15.13 per 10 min
Assisted $18.50 per 10 min $11.10 $7.40 $16.65 $1.85 $32.93 per 10 min
LabLogic 300SL Liquid Scintillation Counter  (LSC) Unassisted $12.50 per 15 min $7.50 $5 $11.25 $1.25 $22.25 per 15 min
Assisted $27.50 per 15 min $16.50 $11 $24.75 $2.75 $48.95 per 15 min
Agilent 7890A Gas-Chromatograph/5975C Mass Spectrometer (Fatty Acids and Monosaccharides Analysis) Unassisted $50 per hr $30 $20 $45 $5 $89 per hr
Assisted $110 per hr $66 $44 $99 $11 $195.80 per hr
HP 6890 Gas-Chromatograph/5973 Mass Spectrometer (Fatty Acids and Monosaccharides Analysis) Unassisted $50 per hr $30 $20 $45 $5 $89 per hr
Assisted $110 per hr $66 $44 $99 $11 $195.80 per hr
Fast Agilent 1100 HPLC System Unassisted $50 per 2 hrs $30 $20 $45 $5 $89 per 2 hrs
Assisted $110 per  2 hrs $66 $44 $99 $11 $195.80 per 2 hrs
Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC) Biologic System Bio-Rad Unassisted $50 per 2 hrs $30 $20 $45 $5 $89 per 2 hrs
Assisted $110 per  2 hrs $66 $44 $99 $11 $195.80 per 2 hrs
ThermoQuest Finnigan LCQ Deca Unassisted $50 per 2 hrs $30 $20 $45 $5 $89 per 2 hrs
Assisted $110 per 2 hrs $66 $44 $99 $11 $195.80 per 2 hrs
 2-D PAGE Apparatus & Imager Unassisted $50 per run $30 $20 $45 $5 $89 per run
Assisted $110 per run $66 $44 $99 $11 $195.80 per run
Other Lab Equipment Available
Savant ISS 100 Integrated SpeedVac System, Lyophilizer, Sonicator, Evaporator Centrifuge and others Unassisted $25 per 2 hrs $15 $10 $22.50 $2.50 $44.50 per 2 hrs
Assisted $55 per 2 hrs $33 $22 $49.50 $5.50 $97.90 per 2 hrs
Data Analysis Workstation 1 Unassisted $15 per hr $9 $6 $13.50 $1.50 $26.70 per hr
Assisted $75 per hr $45 $30 $67.50 $7.50 $133.50 per hr

How to Schedule

Please login to iLab system to schedule equipment time or services. For new users please follow the steps outlined in Information for New Users.


They are extremely important in helping us build a positive track record and obtaining future NIH funding for new Core instruments and equipment. Please acknowledge the AIC in all publications and grant applications where equipment use and/or services and expertise provided by our staff contributed to the final results. The proper way to acknowledgement the AIC is as follows: “This work was supported by the Boston University Analytical Instrumentation Core” or “This work was accomplished by using the service provided by the Boston University Analytical Instrumentation Core.”


The Analytical Instrumentation Core operates at a loss and is subsidized by the Department of Medicine. What does not get included in the balance sheets are the indirect costs generated from grants obtained with the help of data from our core. You can help us continue to serve you by letting us know when you submit a proposal and/or are awarded a grant which contains data obtained from the use of our Core.


Matthew Au
AIC Lab Manager
Associate Director of AIC
Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
650 Albany Street, Room 830
Boston MA 02118
(617) 358-6363 |

Lynn Deng
Director of Analytical Instrumentation Core
650 Albany Street, Room 848
Boston MA 02118
(617) 358-6516 |


AIC Central Laboratory
650 Albany Street, Lab Room X-830, Boston, MA 02118.

AIC Satellite Sites
670 Albany Street, R Building,  Boston, MA 02118


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