Edward Bernstein, MD

Professor, Emergency Medicine

Edward Bernstein


Expertise and interests include:

1) Research to improve the care of at risk and dependent alcohol and drug users in the medical setting.
2) Role of community health workers/health promotion advocates in the medical setting.
3) Reducing STI among cocaine and heroin users.
4) The role of motivational interviewing to improve the patient physician encounters/relations.
5) Health Equity related to Covid and Opioid Overdose deaths

Dr. Bernstein is Professor Emeritus of Emergency Medicine and an Uncompensated Affiliated of the Boston University School of Medicine. He had a joint appointment as Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences, BU SPH, For the past thirty-five years, Dr. Bernstein pioneered methods to integrate public health into emergency medicine practice, developed and disseminated systems of emergency care that enhance health communications between providers and patients, and extensively tested a comprehensive model for intervention in which physician extenders help steer patients with preventable conditions to appropriate services. He has served as a member of the MA DPH Public Health Council since 2013. During his past eleven year tenure on the DPH PHC he has contributed to deliberations on the Covid, Opioid Overdose and the Steward System Public Health Emergencies, Hospital and ED overcrowding and boarding, and the DoN process that addresses Health Equity and the Social Determinants of Health.
Dr. Bernstein has developed a body of NIH sponsored research to test the application of motivational interviewing to improving health communications and outcomes to reduce sexual risk behavior among ED patients with cocaine and heroin abuse, reduce adolescent alcohol and marijuana use, and in a 14 site Academic ED study, reduce at risk and dependent alcohol use. He also tested the Project ASSERT model, the nation’s first SAMHSA ED SBIRT program, in a trial of a brief motivational intervention delivered by peers to cocaine and heroin users. Together with Dr. Judith Bernstein, he directed the Boston University School of Public Health’s BNI-ART Institute which provided technical support and training in motivational interviewing, the peer model and system change and research design for providers in a variety of medical settings. Organizations served by the Institute include: RWJ Join Together, the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, SAMHSA, the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the Massachusetts DPH Health’s Bureau of Substance Abuse Services, NYC Department of Mental Health and Hygiene (ED SBIRT & OUCC), Howard University Medical College’s Residency SBIRT Program, and Yale New Haven Emergency Department’s Project ASSERT. Dr. Bernstein is author of 89 peer-reviewed publications and co-editor of the textbook, “Case Studies in Emergency Medicine and the Health of the Public.” He is the recipient of a number of distinguished awards among which are: The Massachusetts Medical Society: Henry Ingersoll Bowditch Award for Excellence in Public Health (1997); The BMC Jerome Klein Award for Physician Excellence (2012); The American College of Physicians, Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Award #2 (2019); and the Massachusetts Black Alcohol and Addiction Council’s 2024 Life-Time Achievement Award. He has served as a member of the MA DPH Public Health Council since 2013. During his 11 year tenure on the DPH PHC he contributed to deliberations on the Opioid Overdose and Covid Public Health Emergencies, the Steward System and Hospital and ED overcrowding and boarding crisis, and incorporation of SDOH and Health Equity in the Determination of Need (DoN) regulations.

Other Positions

  • Emeritus Professor, Community Health Sciences, Boston University School of Public Health


  • Stanford University, MD
  • Columbia College, BA


  • Published on 10/11/2023

    Hawk KF, Weiner SG, Rothenberg C, Bernstein E, D'Onofrio G, Herring A, Hoppe J, Ketcham E, LaPietra A, Nelson L, Perrone J, Ranney M, Samuels EA, Strayer R, Sharma D, Goyal P, Schuur J, Venkatesh AK. Leveraging a Learning Collaborative Model to Develop and Pilot Quality Measures to Improve Opioid Prescribing in the Emergency Department. Ann Emerg Med. 2024 Mar; 83(3):225-234. PMID: 37831040.

    Read at: PubMed
  • Published on 11/1/2021

    Harvey L, Taylor JL, Assoumou SA, Kehoe J, Schechter-Perkins EM, Bernstein E, Walley AY. Sexually Transmitted and Blood-borne Infections Among Patients Presenting to a Low-barrier Substance Use Disorder Medication Clinic. J Addict Med. 2021 Nov-Dec 01; 15(6):461-467. PMID: 34734572.

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  • Published on 4/20/2021

    Roy PJ, Price R, Choi S, Weinstein ZM, Bernstein E, Cunningham CO, Walley AY. Shorter outpatient wait-times for buprenorphine are associated with linkage to care post-hospital discharge. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021 07 01; 224:108703. PMID: 33964730.

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  • Published on 11/26/2020

    Jacka BP, Goldman JE, Yedinak JL, Bernstein E, Hadland SE, Buxton JA, Sherman SG, Biello KB, Marshall BDL. A randomized clinical trial of a theory-based fentanyl overdose education and fentanyl test strip distribution intervention to reduce rates of opioid overdose: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2020 Nov 26; 21(1):976. PMID: 33243291.

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  • Published on 6/1/2020

    Pajka SE, Hasdianda MA, George N, Sudore R, Schonberg MA, Bernstein E, Tulsky JA, Block SD, Ouchi K. Feasibility of a Brief Intervention to Facilitate Advance Care Planning Conversations for Patients with Life-Limiting Illness in the Emergency Department. J Palliat Med. 2021 01; 24(1):31-39. PMID: 32471321.

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  • Published on 4/22/2020

    Roy PJ, Choi S, Bernstein E, Walley AY. Appointment wait-times and arrival for patients at a low-barrier access addiction clinic. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2020 07; 114:108011. PMID: 32527508.

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  • Published on 11/1/2019

    Anderson E, Bernstein E, Xuan Z, Alter HJ. Inventing Social Emergency Medicine: Summary of Common and Critical Research Themes Using a Modified Haddon Matrix. Ann Emerg Med. 2019 11; 74(5S):S74-S77. PMID: 31655685.

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  • Published on 6/17/2019

    Goldman JE, Krieger MS, Buxton JA, Lysyshyn M, Sherman SG, Green TC, Bernstein E, Hadland SE, Marshall BDL. Suspected involvement of fentanyl in prior overdoses and engagement in harm reduction practices among young adults who use drugs. Subst Abus. 2019; 40(4):519-526. PMID: 31206354.

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  • Published on 2/13/2019

    Ouchi K, George N, Schuur JD, Aaronson EL, Lindvall C, Bernstein E, Sudore RL, Schonberg MA, Block SD, Tulsky JA. Goals-of-Care Conversations for Older Adults With Serious Illness in the Emergency Department: Challenges and Opportunities. Ann Emerg Med. 2019 08; 74(2):276-284. PMID: 30770207.

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  • Published on 11/12/2018

    Ouchi K, George N, Revette AC, Hasdianda MA, Fellion L, Reust A, Powell LH, Sudore R, Schuur JD, Schonberg MA, Bernstein E, Tulsky JA, Block SD. Empower Seriously Ill Older Adults to Formulate Their Goals for Medical Care in the Emergency Department. J Palliat Med. 2019 03; 22(3):267-273. PMID: 30418094.

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