Dmitry Kretov, PhD

Instructor, Biochemistry & Cell Biology

Dmitry Kretov
72 E. Concord St


  • University of Paris, PhD
  • Voronezh State University, MS
  • Voronezh State University, BS


  • Published on 5/7/2024

    Kretov DA, Folkes L, Mora-Martin A, Walawalkar IA, Imrat, Syedah N, Vanuytsel K, Moxon S, Murphy GJ, Cifuentes D. The miR-144/Hmgn2 regulatory axis orchestrates chromatin organization during erythropoiesis. Nat Commun. 2024 May 07; 15(1):3821. PMID: 38714702.

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  • Published on 7/19/2023

    Kretov DA, Folkes L, Mora-Martin A, Syedah N, Walawalkar IA, Vanyustel K, Moxon S, Murphy GJ, Cifuentes D. The miR-144/Hmgn2 regulatory axis orchestrates chromatin organization during erythropoiesis. bioRxiv. 2023 Jul 19. PMID: 37503141.

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  • Published on 7/22/2022

    Shang R, Kretov DA, Adamson SI, Treiber T, Treiber N, Vedanayagam J, Chuang JH, Meister G, Cifuentes D, Lai EC. Regulated dicing of pre-mir-144 via reshaping of its terminal loop. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022 Jul 22; 50(13):7637-7654. PMID: 35801921.

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  • Published on 1/1/2022

    Kretov DA. Role of Y-Box Binding Proteins in Ontogenesis. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2022 Jan; 87(Suppl 1):S71-S4. PMID: 35501987.

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  • Published on 1/7/2021

    Hekman RM, Hume AJ, Goel RK, Abo KM, Huang J, Blum BC, Werder RB, Suder EL, Paul I, Phanse S, Youssef A, Alysandratos KD, Padhorny D, Ojha S, Mora-Martin A, Kretov D, Ash PEA, Verma M, Zhao J, Patten JJ, Villacorta-Martin C, Bolzan D, Perea-Resa C, Bullitt E, Hinds A, Tilston-Lunel A, Varelas X, Farhangmehr S, Braunschweig U, Kwan JH, McComb M, Basu A, Saeed M, Perissi V, Burks EJ, Layne MD, Connor JH, Davey R, Cheng JX, Wolozin BL, Blencowe BJ, Wuchty S, Lyons SM, Kozakov D, Cifuentes D, Blower M, Kotton DN, Wilson AA, Mühlberger E, Emili A. Actionable Cytopathogenic Host Responses of Human Alveolar Type 2 Cells to SARS-CoV-2. Mol Cell. 2021 Jan 07; 81(1):212. PMID: 33417854.

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  • Published on 11/19/2020

    Hekman RM, Hume AJ, Goel RK, Abo KM, Huang J, Blum BC, Werder RB, Suder EL, Paul I, Phanse S, Youssef A, Alysandratos KD, Padhorny D, Ojha S, Mora-Martin A, Kretov D, Ash PEA, Verma M, Zhao J, Patten JJ, Villacorta-Martin C, Bolzan D, Perea-Resa C, Bullitt E, Hinds A, Tilston-Lunel A, Varelas X, Farhangmehr S, Braunschweig U, Kwan JH, McComb M, Basu A, Saeed M, Perissi V, Burks EJ, Layne MD, Connor JH, Davey R, Cheng JX, Wolozin BL, Blencowe BJ, Wuchty S, Lyons SM, Kozakov D, Cifuentes D, Blower M, Kotton DN, Wilson AA, Mühlberger E, Emili A. Actionable Cytopathogenic Host Responses of Human Alveolar Type 2 Cells to SARS-CoV-2. Mol Cell. 2020 12 17; 80(6):1104-1122.e9. PMID: 33259812.

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  • Published on 3/18/2020

    Kretov DA, Walawalkar IA, Mora-Martin A, Shafik AM, Moxon S, Cifuentes D. Ago2-Dependent Processing Allows miR-451 to Evade the Global MicroRNA Turnover Elicited during Erythropoiesis. Mol Cell. 2020 04 16; 78(2):317-328.e6. PMID: 32191872.

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  • Published on 12/31/2019

    Kretov DA, Mordovkina DA, Eliseeva IA, Lyabin DN, Polyakov DN, Joshi V, Desforges B, Hamon L, Lavrik OI, Pastré D, Curmi PA, Ovchinnikov LP. Inhibition of Transcription Induces Phosphorylation of YB-1 at Ser102 and Its Accumulation in the Nucleus. Cells. 2019 Dec 31; 9(1). PMID: 31906126.

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  • Published on 4/8/2019

    Kretov DA, Clément MJ, Lambert G, Durand D, Lyabin DN, Bollot G, Bauvais C, Samsonova A, Budkina K, Maroun RC, Hamon L, Bouhss A, Lescop E, Toma F, Curmi PA, Maucuer A, Ovchinnikov LP, Pastré D. YB-1, an abundant core mRNA-binding protein, has the capacity to form an RNA nucleoprotein filament: a structural analysis. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 04 08; 47(6):3127-3141. PMID: 30605522.

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  • Published on 4/4/2019

    Marivin A, Morozova V, Walawalkar I, Leyme A, Kretov DA, Cifuentes D, Dominguez I, Garcia-Marcos M. GPCR-independent activation of G proteins promotes apical cell constriction in vivo. J Cell Biol. 2019 05 06; 218(5):1743-1763. PMID: 30948426.

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