Dowling Clinic Changes


We have made a number of changes in our Dowling Outpatient clinic to improve patient access over the last year and a half.  In the past, patients were required to call a day in advance to confirm  appointments.  Now, patients no longer have to call to confirm. Instead, they receive reminder texts or letters for their appointments.  Thomasina Baker, pictured here, an ASR who has worked in Dowling for many years, says these changes have really improved patients’ experience of Dowling, “They like getting the texts!”  Also, she says, continuity of care has really improved.  In the past, we relied on same day appointments for last minute refills.  This meant that patients could see many different providers over the course of their treatment.  Now they are assigned to prescribers who stay with them.  “If they need something like a prescription, and their prescriber isn’t available that day, there is an NP of the day who makes the clinical determination of what to do.”  Usually the NP can bridge their prescription until they can see their regular prescriber.   Additionally,  ASRs no longer page providers every time a patient arrives for an appointment, but rather only if a patient is significantly late. This has substantially improved work flow for the ASRs, and reduced clinic wait time while patients check in.  Finally, the social work staff have increased the frequency and size of the New Patient Orientation groups, which serve both an orientation and a clinical triage function, and has helped maintain rapid access into the clinic for patients in need.