Richard D. Wainford, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Medicine

Principal Investigator: Laboratory for Cardiovascular-Renal Research

Member, The Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute

Research Interests

Dr. Wainford is the director of the Laboratory of Cardio-Renal Research. Dr. Wainford’s research interests focus on the central neural control of fluid and electrolyte homeostasis and blood pressure regulation. Dr. Wainford’s laboratory utilizes an integrated physiological, pharmacological, molecular, and gene-targeting approach to investigate the anti-hypertensive role(s) of central G-alpha-subunit proteins in the endogenous GPCR-activated pathways that regulate central sympatheticoutflow, fluid and electrolyte homeostasis, and systemic blood pressure regulation in salt-resistant and salt-sensitive animal models.The major goal of Dr. Wainford’s research is identifying the underlying pathophysiology of and potential treatments for hypertension. Current studies concern the role of central G-alpha subunit protein gated pathways in mediating the neural control of kidney function and systemic arterial blood pressure.

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