

We have recently begun partnering with the Dreamboard team, a tool that allows users to track and analyze their dreams over time. Dreamboard is unique in that it has manifested into a database of over 250,000 dreams, a number that is much higher than most scientific studies on dreams. Additionally, this number is growing by the thousands each month. Users label their dreams as pleasant, neutral, unpleasant, or nightmare, can choose themes and emotions that match their dreams, add relevant colors, people, and how they are present in the dream. They can keep a  journal and an ongoing record of their dreams, allowing them to find patterns and trends on their own and interpret what they see. They can also add narratives as to what goes on in their dreams, and this is where the beginning of a rich dataset and potential insight into the nature of dreams occurs. Preliminary work has been focused on aggression in those who have nightmares vs. those who just have “bad” dreams, or unpleasant dreams. We have paired this with a survey focusing on people who report recurrent nightmares, and our findings suggest a unique and heightened type of aggression in nightmares compared to bad dreams and in recurrent nightmares compared to other nightmares. Our work continues with nightmares and Dreamboard. You can check out Dreamboard and try it for free here.

Primary teaching affiliate
of BU School of Medicine