Boston MCRC Pilot Grant 2023 RFA
Boston Musculoskeletal Clinical Research Collaboratory, a NIAMS funded CCCR, is delighted to announce a Request for Applications (RFA) for Pilot Project Grants
Funding Start Date: August 1, 2023
Funding available: $22,500.00
Key Dates
RFA Release Date: March 1, 2023
Notification of Intent: April 14, 2023
Application Due: June 1, 2023
Funding Start Date: August 1, 2023
Boston MCRC awards one grant per year for a project period of 12 months. We encourage new applicants, however pending progress of already awarded pilots, the PI may submit a competitive renewal for a 2nd year of funding, which will be reviewed with all other applications.
The goal of the Pilot Program is to support clinical research opportunities with the MCRC providing clinical research study design and methodologic advice and assistance. The MCRC focus is on musculoskeletal and rheumatic disorders and their impact. Successful applicants will periodically attend our multidisciplinary Research Accelerator to present updates and to receive methodologic input and feedback at various stages of their proposal, such as study design and analytic approaches.
The award cannot be used for capital equipment, travel, meals, foreign components, or overhead costs. The PI must have their primary appointment at a United States institution and an MD/PhD/DDS or equivalent degree. Strong preference will be given to early career investigators (Instructor and Assistant Professors).
The Boston MCRC has committed $22,500 for a one-year period (August 1, 2023 – July 31, 2024).
The pilot proposal application is due June 1, 2023 at 5:00 pm ET. Applications received after this time will not be considered.
A letter of intent emailed to (with investigator name, institution, and title of project) is requested but not required by April 14, 2023 to facilitate recruitment of appropriate reviewers.
PI must be a US Citizen or a permanent resident
- have MD/PhD/DDS or equivalent degree
- be a faculty member of BU/BMC or other US Academic Institution
- be a registered member of the Boston MCRC research community
- agree to meet with and report progress of research project with MCRC leaders
The Selection Committee will give strong preference to early career investigators (defined as members of the research community at the rank of Assistant Professor or Instructor if the latter is considered faculty). We also will give preference to proposals that collect data that can be used to pursue later funding opportunities.
Review panels will be organized in a manner similar to NIH study sections, with primary and secondary reviewers assigned to each proposal, and the final vote representing an average of all panel members’ scores.
Numerical scores 1-5 will be applied to the overall impact of the research plan evaluated based on the significance of the hypothesis and approach, including the inclusion of appropriate controls, statistical considerations, potential challenges and alternative strategies.
To learn more about becoming a member of the Boston MCRC Accelerator research community, please visit
- Brief narrative of your progress, including a list of publications/abstracts derived from this work (manuscript writing: in progress, submitted for review)
- Presentations delivered concerning this work
- Grants obtained to support this work subsequent to Boston MCRC funding
- New collaborations
- Innovative methods, tools resulting from research
- Continued research in area of pilot funding
Submit your proposal as a single pdf including the below documents:
- Boston-MCRC-RFA-Cover-Page
- Current non-fellowship-biosketch from the applicant as well as any other key/senior personnel included in the application
- Letter of support from the applicant’s research supervisor or division chief
- Abstract (200 words)
- Research proposal (3 pages, 11-point font, Arial, at least ½ inch margins), including Background, Research Plan (any associated statistical justification).
- Detailed proposed budget and budget justification
- other-support-sample
Questions reach out to