Center grant funding produces 30-35 papers annually in leading peer-reviewed arthritis journals and general medical journals.
Neogi T, Dell’Isola A, Englund M, Turkiewicz A. Frequent use of prescription NSAIDs among people with knee or hip osteoarthritis despite contraindications to or precautions with NSAIDs. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2024 Dec;32(12):1628-1635. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2024.07.010. Epub 2024 Jul 26. PMID: 39068982
Felson DT. Osteoarthritis: Magnetic resonance imaging definitions and disease progression: comment on the article by Chang et al. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2024 Oct 14. doi: 10.1002/art.43022. Online ahead of print. PMID: 39400954
Barry A, Helget LN, Androsenko M, Wu H, Kramer B, Newcomb JA, Brophy MT, Davis-Karim A, England BR, Ferguson R, Pillinger MH, Neogi T, Palevsky PM, Merriman TR, O’Dell JR, Mikuls TR. Comparison of Gout Flares With the Initiation of Treat-to-Target Allopurinol and Febuxostat: A Post-Hoc Analysis of a Randomized Multicenter Trial. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2024 Oct;76(10):1552-1559. doi: 10.1002/art.42927. Epub 2024 Jul 15. PMID: 38925627 Clinical Trial.
Liew JW, Treu T, Park Y, Ferguson JM, Rosser MA, Ho YL, Gagnon DR, Stovall R, Monach P, Heckbert SR, Gensler LS, Liao KP, Dubreuil M. The association of TNF inhibitor use with incident cardiovascular events in radiographic axial spondyloarthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2024 Oct;68:152482. doi: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2024.152482. Epub 2024 Jun 2. PMID: 38865875
Legrand J, Marzin C, Neogi T, Norberciak L, Budzik JF, Pascart T. Associations of Changes in Knee Hyaline Cartilage Composition Measured With Dual-Energy Computed Tomography in Gout, Aging and Osteoarthritis.Cartilage. 2024 Sep;15(3):283-292. doi: 10.1177/19476035231172152. Epub 2023 Jun 13. PMID: 37312537
Lee S, Neogi T, McGinley B, Wang N, Frey Law L, Torabian KA, Aoyagi K, Stefanik JJ, Carlesso LC, Hausdorff JM, Gazit E, Segal NA, Lewis CE, Nevitt MC, Kumar D. Associations of pain sensitivity and conditioned pain modulation with physical activity: findings from the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study (MOST). Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2024 Aug;32(8):982-989. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2024.04.020. Epub 2024 May 18. PMID: 38763431
Mulrooney E, Neogi T, Dagfinrud H, Hammer HB, Pettersen PS, Kvien TK, Magnusson K, Haugen IK.Hand osteoarthritis phenotypes based on a biopsychosocial approach, and their associations with cross-sectional and longitudinal pain. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2024 Aug;32(8):963-971. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2024.04.011. Epub 2024 Apr 30. PMID: 38697510
Bacon KL, Felson DT, Jafarzadeh SR, Kolachalama VB, Hausdorff JM, Gazit E, Stefanik JJ, Corrigan P, Segal NA, Lewis CE, Nevitt MC, Kumar D. Gait Alterations and Association With Worsening Knee Pain and Physical Function: A Machine Learning Approach With Wearable Sensors in the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2024 Jul;76(7):984-992. doi: 10.1002/acr.25327. Epub 2024 Apr 17. PMID: 38523250
Mahmoudian A, King LK, Liew JW, Wang Q, Appleton CT, Englund M, Haugen IK, Lohmander LS, Runhaar J, Turkiewicz A, Neogi T, Hawker GA; OARSI Early-stage Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis Initiative. Timing is everything: Towards classification criteria for early-stage symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2024 Jun;32(6):649-653. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2024.02.888. Epub 2024 Mar 2. PMID: 38437945
Lui JK, Cozzolino M, Winburn M, Trojanowski MA, Wiener RS, LaValley MP, Bujor AM, Gopal DM, Klings ES. Role of Left Ventricular Dysfunction in Systemic Sclerosis-Related Pulmonary Hypertension. Chest. 2024 Jun;165(6):1505-1517. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2023.12.018. Epub 2023 Dec 19.PMID: 38128607
Lui JK, Sangani RA, Gillmeyer KR, Vakhshoorzadeh J, Trojanowski MA, Bujor AM, Gopal DM, Wiener RS, LaValley MP, Klings ES. Correction to: Hemodynamic Response to Oral Vasodilator Therapy in Systemic Sclerosis‑Related Pulmonary Hypertension. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2024 Jun;38(3):657. doi: 10.1007/s10557-023-07431-6.PMID: 36662449
Lui JK, Sangani RA, Gillmeyer KR, Vakhshoorzadeh J, Trojanowski MA, Bujor AM, Gopal DM, Wiener RS, LaValley MP, Klings ES. Hemodynamic Response to Oral Vasodilator Therapy in Systemic Sclerosis-Related Pulmonary Hypertension. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2024 Jun;38(3):651-656. doi: 10.1007/s10557-022-07420-1. Epub 2023 Jan 6.PMID: 36607535
Helget LN, O’Dell JR, Newcomb JA, Androsenko M, Brophy MT, Davis-Karim A, England BR, Ferguson R, Pillinger MH, Neogi T, Palevsky PM, Wu H, Kramer B, Mikuls TR.Determinants of Achieving Serum Urate Goal with Treat-to-Target Urate-Lowering Therapy in Gout. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2024 Apr;76(4):638-646. doi: 10.1002/art.42731. Epub 2023 Dec 26.PMID: 37842953 Clinical Trial.
Liew JW, Turkiewicz A, Roemer FW, Frobell RB, Felson D, Englund M. Diagnostic Accuracy of Candidate Magnetic Resonance Imaging Knee Osteoarthritis Definitions Versus Radiograph in an Acute Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Cohort. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2024 Mar;76(3):409-414. doi: 10.1002/acr.25248. Epub 2023 Dec 17.PMID: 37781746
van Buuren MMA, Riedstra NS, van den Berg MA, Boel FDEM, Ahedi H, Arbabi V, Arden NK, Bierma-Zeinstra SMA, Boer CG, Cicuttini F, Cootes TF, Crossley K, Felson D, Gielis WP, Heerey J, Jones G, Kluzek S, Lane NE, Lindner C, Lynch JA, Van Meurs J, Mosler AB, Nelson AE, Nevitt M, Oei E, Runhaar J, Tang J, Weinans H, Agricola R. Cohort profile: Worldwide Collaboration on OsteoArthritis prediCtion for the Hip (World COACH) – an international consortium of prospective cohort studies with individual participant data on hip osteoarthritis. BMJ Open. 2024 Apr 18;14(4):e077907. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-077907. PMID: 38637130; PMCID: PMC11029301.
Surendran T, Park LK, Lauber MV, Cha B, Jhun RS, Capellini TD, Kumar D, Felson DT, Kolachalama VB. Survival analysis on subchondral bone length for total knee replacement. Skeletal Radiol. 2024 Feb 22. doi: 10.1007/s00256-024-04627-1. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38388702.
Liew JW, Jarraya M, Guermazi A, Lynch J, Felson D, Nevitt M, Lewis CE, Torner J, Roemer FW, Crema MD, Wang N, Becce F, Rabasa G, Pascart T, Neogi T. Intra-Articular Mineralization on Computerized Tomography of the Knee and Risk of Cartilage Damage: The Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2024 Feb 19. doi: 10.1002/art.42832. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38369918.
Yau MS, Okoro PC, Haugen IK, Lynch JA, Nevitt MC, Lewis CE, Torner JC, Felson DT. Assessing the association of epigenetic age acceleration with osteoarthritis in the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study (MOST). Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2024 May;32(5):585-591. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2023.11.024. Epub 2024 Jan 17. PMID: 38242313.
Felson DT, Misra D, LaValley M, Clancy M, Rabasa G, Lichtenstein A, Matthan N, Torner J, Lewis CE, Nevitt MC; MOST Study Investigators. Essential Fatty Acids and Osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2024 Jan 15. doi: 10.1002/acr.25302. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38225177.
Felson D, Lotz MK, Jin Y, Jones M, Kim JS, Spindler K. New approach to testing treatments for osteoarthritis: FastOA. Ann Rheum Dis. 2024 Feb 15;83(3):274-276. doi: 10.1136/ard-2023-224675. PMID: 37821213; PMCID: PMC10922495.
Lui JK, Cozzolino M, Winburn M, Trojanowski MA, Wiener RS, LaValley MP, Bujor AM, Gopal DM, Klings ES. Role of Left Ventricular Dysfunction in Systemic Sclerosis-Related Pulmonary Hypertension. Chest. 2023 Dec 19:S0012-3692(23)05932-9. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2023.12.018. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38128607.
Lui JK, Gillmeyer KR, Sangani RA, Smyth RJ, Gopal DM, Trojanowski MA, Bujor AM, Soylemez Wiener R, LaValley MP, Klings ES. A Clinical Decision Tool for Risk Stratifying Patients with Systemic Sclerosis-Related Pulmonary Hypertension. Lung. 2023 Dec;201(6):565-569. doi: 10.1007/s00408-023-00646-2. Epub 2023 Nov 13. PMID: 37957388; PMCID: PMC11037922.
Helget LN, O’Dell JR, Newcomb JA, Androsenko M, Brophy MT, Davis-Karim A, England BR, Ferguson R, Pillinger MH, Neogi T, Palevsky PM, Wu H, Kramer B, Mikuls TR. Determinants of Achieving Serum Urate Goal with Treat-to-Target Urate-Lowering Therapy in Gout. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2024 Apr;76(4):638-646. doi: 10.1002/art.42731. Epub 2023 Dec 26. PMID: 37842953; PMCID: PMC10965366.
Lanois CJ, Collins N, Neogi T, Guermazi A, Roemer FW, LaValley M, Nevitt M, Torner J, Lewis CE, Stefanik JJ. Associations between anterior knee pain and 2-year patellofemoral cartilage worsening: The MOST study. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2024 Jan;32(1):93-97. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2023.09.008. Epub 2023 Sep 30. PMID: 37783341; PMCID: PMC10842622.
Liew JW, Turkiewicz A, Roemer FW, Frobell RB, Felson D, Englund M. Diagnostic Accuracy of Candidate Magnetic Resonance Imaging Knee Osteoarthritis Definitions Versus Radiograph in an Acute Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Cohort. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2024 Mar;76(3):409-414. doi: 10.1002/acr.25248. Epub 2023 Dec 17. PMID: 37781746; PMCID: PMC10922537.
Lee S, Neogi T, Costello KE, Senderling B, Stefanik JJ, Frey-Law L, Kumar D. Association of mechanical temporal summation of pain with muscle co-contraction during walking in people with knee osteoarthritis. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2023 Dec;110:106105. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2023.106105. Epub 2023 Sep 22. PMID: 37778085; PMCID: PMC10841902.
Aoyagi K, Jafarzadeh SR, Carlesso L, Frey Law L, Lewis CE, Nevitt M, Neogi T. Mediating Effect of Pain Sensitization on the Paradoxical Relation of Taking Opioids to Pain Severity in Knee Osteoarthritis: The Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2024 Mar;76(3):403-408. doi: 10.1002/acr.25244. Epub 2023 Dec 28. PMID: 37750238; PMCID: PMC10922135.
Neelapala YVR, Neogi T, Kumar D, Jarraya M, Macedo L, Kobsar D, Hanna S, Frey-Law LA, Lewis CE, Nevitt M, Appleton T, Birmingham T, Carlesso LC. Exploring different models of pain phenotypes and their association with pain worsening in people with early knee osteoarthritis: The MOST cohort study. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2024 Feb;32(2):210-219. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2023.09.003. Epub 2023 Sep 13. PMID: 37709187; PMCID: PMC10903761.
Neogi T, Colloca L. Placebo effects in osteoarthritis: implications for treatment and drug development. Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2023 Oct;19(10):613-626. doi: 10.1038/s41584-023-01021-4. Epub 2023 Sep 11. PMID: 37697077; PMCID: PMC10615856.
Abhishek A, Tedeschi SK, Pascart T, Latourte A, Dalbeth N, Neogi T, Fuller A, Rosenthal A, Becce F, Bardin T, Ea HK, Filippou G, Fitzgerald J, Iagnocco A, Lioté F, McCarthy GM, Ramonda R, Richette P, Sivera F, Andrés M, Cipolletta E, Doherty M, Pascual E, Perez-Ruiz F, So A, Jansen TL, Kohler MJ, Stamp LK, Yinh J, Adinolfi A, Arad U, Aung T, Benillouche E, Bortoluzzi A, Dau J, Maningding E, Fang MA, Figus FA, Filippucci E, Haslett J, Janssen M, Kaldas M, Kimoto M, Leamy K, Navarro GM, Sarzi-Puttini P, Scirè C, Silvagni E, Sirotti S, Stack JR, Truong L, Xie C, Yokose C, Hendry AM, Terkeltaub R, Taylor WJ, Choi HK. The 2023 ACR/EULAR classification criteria for calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease. Ann Rheum Dis. 2023 Oct;82(10):1248-1257. doi: 10.1136/ard-2023-224575. Epub 2023 Jul 26. PMID: 37495237; PMCID: PMC10529191.
Gløersen M, Steen Pettersen P, Neogi T, Sexton J, Kvien TK, Hammer HB, Haugen IK. Associations between pain sensitization and measures of physical function in people with hand osteoarthritis: Results from the Nor-Hand study. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2023 Oct;31(10):1388-1395. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2023.07.005. Epub 2023 Jul 24. PMID: 37495183; PMCID: PMC10528207.
Qiu YY, Neogi T, Muhammad LN, Song J, Bolster MB, Marder W, Heisler AC, Wohlfahrt A, Dunlop D, Lee YC. Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody and pain sensitisation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a cross-sectional analysis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2023 Dec;82(12):1638-1640. doi: 10.1136/ard-2023-224492. Epub 2023 Jul 19. PMID: 37468220; PMCID: PMC10704383.
Liew JW, Jarraya M, Guermazi A, Lynch J, Wang N, Rabasa G, Jafarzadeh SR, Nevitt M, Torner J, Lewis CE, Felson DT, Neogi T. Relation of Intra-Articular Mineralization to Knee Pain in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Longitudinal Analysis in the MOST Study. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2023 Dec;75(12):2161-2168. doi: 10.1002/art.42649. Epub 2023 Oct 15. PMID: 37410792; PMCID: PMC10770289.
Karsdal MA, Tambiah J, Felson D, Ladel C, Nikolov NP, Hodgins D, Bihlet AR, Neogi T, Baatenburg de Jong C, Bay-Jensen AC, Baron R, Laslop A, Mobasheri A, Kraus VB. Reflections from the OARSI 2022 clinical trials symposium: The pain of OA-Deconstruction of pain and patient-reported outcome measures for the benefit of patients and clinical trial design. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2023 Oct;31(10):1293-1302. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2023.06.006. Epub 2023 Jun 26. PMID: 37380011.
Vogel K, Muhammad LN, Song J, Neogi T, Bingham CO, Bolster MB, Marder W, Wohlfahrt A, Clauw DJ, Dunlop D, Lee YC. Sex Differences in Pain and Quantitative Sensory Testing in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2023 Dec;75(12):2472-2480. doi: 10.1002/acr.25178. Epub 2023 Aug 3. PMID: 37365745; PMCID: PMC10704379.
Vakhshoorzadeh J, Lui JK, Sangani RA, Trojanowski MA, Bujor AM, LaValley MP, Klings ES. Emphysema and interstitial lung disease in systemic sclerosis-related pulmonary hypertension. Respir Med. 2023 Sep;216:107333. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2023.107333. Epub 2023 Jun 17. PMID: 37336329; PMCID: PMC10666733.
Legrand J, Marzin C, Neogi T, Norberciak L, Budzik JF, Pascart T. Associations of Changes in Knee Hyaline Cartilage Composition Measured With Dual-Energy Computed Tomography in Gout, Aging and Osteoarthritis. Cartilage. 2023 Jun 13:19476035231172152. doi: 10.1177/19476035231172152. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37312537.
Merjanah S, Liew JW, Bihn J, Fillmore NR, Brophy MT, Do NV, Dubreuil M. Trends in Fracture Rates Over Two Decades Among Veterans With Ankylosing Spondylitis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2023 Dec;75(12):2481-2488. doi: 10.1002/acr.25166. Epub 2023 Aug 22. PMID: 37308459; PMCID: PMC10704387.
Chock EY, Dahal S, Grimshaw AA, Suter L, Liew Z, Felson D. Offspring neurodevelopmental outcomes born to parents with chronic inflammatory arthritis using antirheumatic therapies: A scoping review. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2023 Aug;61:152230. doi: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2023.152230. Epub 2023 Jun 2. PMID: 37295300; PMCID: PMC10521166.
Voinier D, Neogi T, Master H, Thoma LM, Brunette M, Jakiela J, Stefanik JJ, White DK. Sitting may increase risk for radiographic incidence and progression of knee osteoarthritis over 2 years: Data from a large cohort study. Musculoskeletal Care. 2023 Dec;21(4):1075-1084. doi: 10.1002/msc.1786. Epub 2023 May 30. PMID: 37253682; PMCID: PMC10687316.
Mulrooney E, Neogi T, Dagfinrud H, Hammer HB, Pettersen PS, Gløersen M, Kvien TK, Magnusson K, Haugen IK. Comorbidities in people with hand OA and their associations with pain severity and sensitization: Data from the longitudinal Nor-Hand study. Osteoarthr Cartil Open. 2023 May 5;5(3):100367. doi: 10.1016/j.ocarto.2023.100367. PMID: 37234862; PMCID: PMC10206186.
Liew JW, King LK, Mahmoudian A, Wang Q, Atkinson HF, Flynn DB, Appleton CT, Englund M, Haugen IK, Lohmander LS, Runhaar J, Neogi T, Hawker G; OARSI Early Osteoarthritis Classification Criteria Task Force. A scoping review of how early-stage knee osteoarthritis has been defined. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2023 Sep;31(9):1234-1241. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2023.04.015. Epub 2023 May 22. PMID: 37225053; PMCID: PMC10528892.
Lewis CL, Segal NA, Rabasa GV, LaValley MP, Williams GN, Nevitt MC, Lewis CE, Felson DT, Stefanik JJ. Hip Abductor Weakness and Its Association With New or Worsened Knee Pain: Data From the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2023 Nov;75(11):2328-2335. doi: 10.1002/acr.25160. Epub 2023 Jun 22. PMID: 37221156; PMCID: PMC10803067.
Rathod-Mistry T, Peat G, Neogi T, Thomas MJ. An Evaluation of Different Strategies for Sampling Controls in an Online Case-Crossover Study of Acute Flares in Knee Osteoarthritis. Clin Epidemiol. 2023 May 16;15:635-644. doi: 10.2147/CLEP.S401488. PMID: 37215285; PMCID: PMC10199713.
Zheng J, Wheeler E, Pietzner M, Andlauer TFM, Yau MS, Hartley AE, Brumpton BM, Rasheed H, Kemp JP, Frysz M, Robinson J, Reppe S, Prijatelj V, Gautvik KM, Falk L, Maerz W, Gergei I, Peyser PA, Kavousi M, de Vries PS, Miller CL, Bos M, van der Laan SW, Malhotra R, Herrmann M, Scharnagl H, Kleber M, Dedoussis G, Zeggini E, Nethander M, Ohlsson C, Lorentzon M, Wareham N, Langenberg C, Holmes MV, Davey Smith G, Tobias JH. Lowering of Circulating Sclerostin May Increase Risk of Atherosclerosis and Its Risk Factors: Evidence From a Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis Followed by Mendelian Randomization. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2023 Oct;75(10):1781-1792. doi: 10.1002/art.42538. Epub 2023 Aug 3. PMID: 37096546; PMCID: PMC10586470.
Jarraya M, Guermazi A, Liew JW, Tolstykh I, Lynch JA, Aliabadi P, Felson DT, Clancy M, Nevitt M, Lewis CE, Torner J, Neogi T. Prevalence of intra-articular mineralization on knee computed tomography: the multicenter osteoarthritis study. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2023 Aug;31(8):1111-1120. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2023.04.004. Epub 2023 Apr 22. PMID: 37088266; PMCID: PMC10524737.
Corrigan P, Neogi T, Frey-Law L, Jafarzadeh SR, Segal N, Nevitt MC, Lewis CE, Stefanik JJ. Relation of pain sensitization to self-reported and performance-based measures of physical functioning: the Multicenter Osteoarthritis (MOST) study. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2023 Jul;31(7):966-975. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2023.03.011. Epub 2023 Mar 31. PMID: 37003421; PMCID: PMC10330303.
Baker MC, Sheth K, Lu R, Lu D, von Kaeppler EP, Bhat A, Felson DT, Robinson WH. Increased risk of osteoarthritis in patients with atopic disease. Ann Rheum Dis. 2023 Jun;82(6):866-872. doi: 10.1136/ard-2022-223640. Epub 2023 Mar 27. PMID: 36987654; PMCID: PMC10314085.
Bosch NA, Teja B, Law AC, Pang B, Jafarzadeh SR, Walkey AJ. Comparative Effectiveness of Fludrocortisone and Hydrocortisone vs Hydrocortisone Alone Among Patients With Septic Shock. JAMA Intern Med. 2023 May 1;183(5):451-459. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2023.0258. PMID: 36972033; PMCID: PMC10043800.
Costello KE, Felson DT, Jafarzadeh SR, Guermazi A, Roemer FW, Segal NA, Lewis CE, Nevitt MC, Lewis CL, Kolachalama VB, Kumar D. Gait, physical activity and tibiofemoral cartilage damage: a longitudinal machine learning analysis in the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study. Br J Sports Med. 2023 Aug;57(16):1018-1024. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2022-106142. Epub 2023 Mar 3. PMID: 36868795; PMCID: PMC10423491.
Kumar D, Neogi T, Peloquin C, Marinko L, Camarinos J, Aoyagi K, Felson DT, Dubreuil M. Delayed timing of physical therapy initiation increases the risk of future opioid use in individuals with knee osteoarthritis: a real-world cohort study. Br J Sports Med. 2023 Aug;57(15):958-964. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2022-106044. Epub 2023 Feb 23. PMID: 36822841; PMCID: PMC10444904.
Voinier D, Neogi T, Arbeeva L, Voinier S, Master H, Thoma LM, Brunette M, Jakiela JT, White DK. Association of physical activity with loss of knee joint space width over two years: a compositional data analysis in the Osteoarthritis Initiative. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2023 Aug;31(8):1091-1100. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2022.12.012. Epub 2023 Feb 21. PMID: 36822497; PMCID: PMC10523474.
Aoyagi K, Law LF, Carlesso L, Nevitt M, Lewis CE, Wang N, Neogi T. Post-surgical contributors to persistent knee pain following knee replacement: The Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study (MOST). Osteoarthr Cartil Open. 2023 Jan 18;5(1):100335. doi: 10.1016/j.ocarto.2023.100335. PMID: 36798734; PMCID: PMC9926203.
Rose MJ, Neogi T, Friscia B, Torabian KA, LaValley MP, Gheller M, Adamowicz L, Georgiev P, Viktrup L, Demanuele C, Wacnik PW, Kumar D. Reliability of Wearable Sensors for Assessing Gait and Chair Stand Function at Home in People With Knee Osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2023 Sep;75(9):1939-1948. doi: 10.1002/acr.25096. Epub 2023 Mar 7. PMID: 36734316; PMCID: PMC10397366.
Felson D, Neogi T. A clinician’s perspective on the role of imaging in knee osteoarthritis in clinical practice. Skeletal Radiol. 2023 Nov;52(11):2007-2010. doi: 10.1007/s00256-023-04285-9. Epub 2023 Feb 2. PMID: 36729209; PMCID: PMC10411116.
Liew JW, Rabasa G, LaValley M, Collins J, Stefanik J, Roemer FW, Guermazi A, Lewis CE, Nevitt M, Torner J, Felson D. Development of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Definition of Knee Osteoarthritis: Data From the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2023 Jul;75(7):1132-1138. doi: 10.1002/art.42454. Epub 2023 Apr 26. PMID: 36693143; PMCID: PMC10361157.
Wohlfahrt A, Muhammad LN, Song J, Dunlop DD, Neogi T, Bingham CO 3rd, Bolster MB, Marder W, Clauw DJ, Lee YC. Pain Mechanisms Associated With Disease Activity in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated With Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs: A Regression Tree Analysis. J Rheumatol. 2023 Jun;50(6):741-747. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.220500. Epub 2023 Jan 15. PMID: 36642431; PMCID: PMC10238556.
Lui JK, Sangani RA, Gillmeyer KR, Vakhshoorzadeh J, Trojanowski MA, Bujor AM, Gopal DM, Wiener RS, LaValley MP, Klings ES. Hemodynamic Response to Oral Vasodilator Therapy in Systemic Sclerosis-Related Pulmonary Hypertension. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2024 Jun;38(3):651-656. doi: 10.1007/s10557-022-07420-1. Epub 2023 Jan 6. Erratum in: Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2023 Jan 20;: PMID: 36607535; PMCID: PMC10666735.
Corrigan P, Felson DT, Lewis CL, Neogi T, LaValley MP, Gross KD, Nevitt MC, Lewis CE, Torner JC, Stefanik JJ. Relation of Temporal Asymmetry During Walking to Two-Year Knee Pain Outcomes in Those With Mild-to-Moderate Unilateral Knee Pain: An Exploratory Analysis From the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2023 Aug;75(8):1735-1743. doi: 10.1002/acr.25050. Epub 2023 Jan 30. PMID: 36305013; PMCID: PMC10133409.
Kostic AM, Leifer VP, Selzer F, Hunter DJ, Paltiel AD, Chen AF, Robinson MK, Neogi T, Collins JE, Messier SP, Edwards RR, Katz JN, Losina E. Cost-Effectiveness of Weight-Loss Interventions Prior to Total Knee Replacement for Patients With Class III Obesity. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2023 Aug;75(8):1752-1763. doi: 10.1002/acr.25044. Epub 2023 Feb 1. PMID: 36250415; PMCID: PMC10375659.
Lui JK, Gillmeyer KR, Sangani RA, Smyth RJ, Gopal DM, Trojanowski MA, Bujor AM, Soylemez Wiener R, LaValley MP, Klings ES. A Multimodal Prediction Model for Diagnosing Pulmonary Hypertension in Systemic Sclerosis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2023 Jul;75(7):1462-1468. doi: 10.1002/acr.24969. Epub 2023 Jan 18. PMID: 35678779; PMCID: PMC9732142.
Bacon KL, Felson DT, Jafarzadeh SR, Kolachalama VB, Hausdorff JM, Gazit E, Segal NA, Lewis CE, Nevitt MC, Kumar D; Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study Investigators. Relation of gait measures with mild unilateral knee pain during walking using machine learning. Sci Rep. 2022 Dec 23;12(1):22200. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-21142-2. PMID: 36564397 Free PMC article.
Song J, Muhammad LN, Neogi T, Dunlop DD, Wohlfahrt A, Bolster MB, Bingham CO 3rd, Clauw DJ, Marder W, Lee YC. Pain Sensitization as a Potential Mediator of the Relationship Between Sleep Disturbance and Subsequent Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2023 Apr;75(4):778-784. doi: 10.1002/acr.24888. Epub 2022 Nov 9.PMID: 35358376
Quinn KA, Ahlman MA, Alessi HD, LaValley MP, Neogi T, Marko J, Novakovich E, Grayson PC Association of 18 F-Fluorodeoxyglucose-Positron Emission Tomography Activity With Angiographic Progression of Disease in Large Vessel Vasculitis. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2023 Jan;75(1):98-107. doi: 10.1002/art.42290. Epub 2022 Dec 8.PMID: 35792044
Bensen GP, Rogers AC, Leifer VP, Edwards RR, Neogi T, Kostic AM, Paltiel AD, Collins JE, Hunter DJ, Katz JN, Losina E. Does gabapentin provide benefit for patients with knee OA? A benefit-harm and cost-effectiveness analysis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2023 Feb;31(2):279-290. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2022.07.013. Epub 2022 Nov 19.PMID: 36414225
Wallace IJ, Lea AJ, Lim YAL, Chow SKW, Sayed IBM, Ngui R, Shaffee MTH, Ng KS, Nicholas C, Venkataraman VV, Kraft TS. 1 Orang Asli Health and Lifeways Project (OA HeLP): a cross-sectional cohort study protoco. BMJ Open. 2022 Sep 20;12(9):e058660. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058660. PMID: 36127083
Jafarzadeh SR, Neogi T. Causal inference from observational data and target trial emulation. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2022 Nov;30(11):1415-1417. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2022.08.010. Epub 2022 Sep 2.PMID: 36063988 No abstract available.
Jafarzadeh SR, Neogi T, White DK, Felson DT. The Relationship of Pain Reduction With Prevention of Knee Replacement Under Dynamic Intervention Strategies. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2022 Oct;74(10):1668-1675. doi: 10.1002/art.42272. Epub 2022 Sep 1. PMID: 35726122 Clinical Trial.
Fleps I, Morgan EF. A Review of CT-Based Fracture Risk Assessment with Finite Element Modeling and Machine Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2022 Sep 1. doi: 10.1007/s11914-022-00743-w. Online ahead of print.
Gløersen M, Steen Pettersen P, Neogi T, Jafarzadeh SR, Vistnes M, Thudium CS, Bay-Jensen AC, Sexton J, Kvien TK, Hammer HB, Haugen IK. Associations of Body Mass Index With Pain and the Mediating Role of Inflammatory Biomarkers in People With Hand Osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2022 May;74(5):810-817. doi: 10.1002/art.42056. Epub 2022 Mar 23. PubMed PMID: 35137553
Liew J, Gianfrancesco M, Harrison C, Izadi Z, Rush S, Lawson-Tovey S, Jacobsohn L, Ja C, Hyrich KL, Gossec L, Strangfeld A, Carmona L, Schäfer M, Frãzao-Mateus E, Bulina I, Stafford F, Tufan A, Graver C, Yardımcı GK, Zepa J, Al Emadi S, Cook C, Abutiban F, Dey D, Katigbak G, Kaufman L, Kowalski E, Martínez-Martínez MU, Patel NJ, Reyes-Cordero G, Salido E, Smith E, Snow D, Sparks J, Wise L, Bhana S, Gore-Massy M, Grainger R, Hausmann J, Sirotich E, Sufka P, Wallace Z, Machado PM, Robinson PC, Yazdany J. SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infections among vaccinated individuals with rheumatic disease: results from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance provider registry.RMD Open. 2022 Apr;8(1):e002187. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2021-002187.PMID: 35387864
Lewis CL, Uemura K, Atkins PR, Lenz AL, Fiorentino NM, Aoki SK, Anderson AE. Patients with cam-type femoroacetabular impingement demonstrate increased change in bone-to-bone distance during walking: A dual fluoroscopy study. J Orthop Res. 2022 Mar 24;. doi: 10.1002/jor.25332. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35325481.
Yau MS, Dubreuil M, Li S, Inamdar V, Peloquin C, Felson DT. Validation of knee osteoarthritis case identification algorithms in a large electronic health record database. Osteoarthr Cartil Open. 2022 Mar;4(1). doi: 10.1016/j.ocarto.2021.100229. Epub 2021 Dec 13. PubMed PMID: 35601472; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9122022.
Afinogenova Y, Danve A, Neogi T. Update on gout management: what is old and what is new. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2022;34(2):118-124. Epub 2021/12/16. doi: 10.1097/BOR.0000000000000861. PMID: 34907116; PMCID: PMC8799507.
Aoyagi K, Liew JW, Farrar JT, Wang N, Carlesso L, Kumar D, Frey Law L, Lewis CE, Nevitt M, Neogi T. Does weight-bearing versus non-weight-bearing pain reflect different pain mechanisms in knee osteoarthritis?: the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study (MOST). Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2022;30(4):545-550. Epub 2021/11/22. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2021.10.014. PubMed PMID: 34801670; PMCID: PMC8940656.
Bucci J, Chen X, LaValley M, Nevitt M, Torner J, Lewis CE, Felson DT. Progression of knee osteoarthritis with use of intraarticular glucocorticoids versus hyaluronic acid. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2022;74(2):223-226. Epub 2021/11/23. doi: 10.1002/art.42031. PMID: 34807518; PMCID: PMC8795477.
Carlesso LC, Law LF, Wang N, Nevitt M, Lewis CE, Neogi T, Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study G. Association of pain sensitization and conditioned pain modulation to pain patterns in knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2022;74(1):107-112. Epub 2020/09/04. doi: 10.1002/acr.24437. PMID: 32882103; PMCID: PMC7925701.
Zertuche JP, Rabasa G, Lichtenstein AH, Matthan NR, Nevitt M, Torner J, Lewis CE, Dai Z, Misra D, Felson D. Alkylresorcinol, a biomarker for whole grain intake, and its association with osteoarthritis: the MOST study. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2022 Oct;30(10):1337-1343. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2022.07.004. Epub 2022 Jul 19.PMID: 35863678
Felson DT, Lacaille D, LaValley MP, Aletaha D. Reexamining remission definitions in rheumatoid arthritis: Considering the twenty-eight-joint disease activity score, C-reactive protein level, and patient global assessment. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2022;74(1):1-5. Epub 2021/11/17. doi: 10.1002/acr.24772. PMID: 34783179.
Felson DT, Lacaille D, LaValley MP, Aletaha D. Reexamining remission definitions in rheumatoid arthritis: Considering disease activity score in 28 joints, C-reactive protein, and patient global assessment. ACR Open Rheumatol. 2022;4(2):123-127. Epub 2021/11/17. doi: 10.1002/acr2.11345. PMID: 34783200; PMCID: PMC8843760.
Hart HF, Neogi T, LaValley M, White D, Zhang Y, Nevitt MC, Torner J, Lewis CE, Stefanik JJ. Relationship of patellofemoral osteoarthritis to changes in performance-based physical function over 7 years: The Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study. J Rheumatol. 2022;49(1):98-103. Epub 2021/09/03. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.210270. PMID: 34470797; PMCID: PMC8724393.
Arant KR, Katz JN, Neogi T. Quantitative sensory testing: identifying pain characteristics in patients with osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2022;30(1):17-31. Epub 2021/10/02. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2021.09.011. PubMed PMID: 34597800; PMCID: PMC8712382.
Helget LN, England BR, Roul P, Sayles H, Petro AD, Neogi T, O’Dell JR, Mikuls TR. Cause-Specific Mortality in Patients with Gout in the United States Veteran’s Health Administration: A Matched Cohort Study. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2022. Epub 2022/03/17. doi: 10.1002/acr.24881. PubMed PMID: 35294114.
Schwager JL, Nevitt MC, Torner J, Lewis CE, Matthan NR, Wang N, Sun X, Lichtenstein AH, Felson D, Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study G. Association of serum low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, and total cholesterol with development of knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2022;74(2):274-280. Epub 2020/09/23. doi: 10.1002/acr.24455. PMID: 32961029; PMCID: PMC8054264.
Dalbeth N, Neogi T. Where are the women ‘Heroes and Pillars of Rheumatology’? Ann Rheum Dis. 2022. Epub 2022/02/06. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2021-222047. PubMed PMID: 35121589.
Li JS, Tsai TY, Clancy MM, Lewis CL, Felson DT, Li G. Cartilage contact characteristics of the knee during gait in individuals with obesity. J Orthop Res. 2022. Epub 2022/01/26. doi: 10.1002/jor.25288. PubMed PMID: 35076128.
Gloersen M, Steen Pettersen P, Neogi T, Slatkowsky-Christensen B, Kvien TK, Magnusson K, Hammer HB, Haugen IK. Associations of pain sensitisation with tender and painful joint counts in people with hand osteoarthritis: results from the Nor-Hand study. RMD Open. 2022;8(1). Epub 2022/01/07. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2021-001774. PubMed PMID: 34987090; PMCID: PMC8734025.
Haugen IK, Felson D, Abhishek A, Berenbaum F, Edwards JJ, Herrero Beaumont G, Hermann-Eriksen M, Hill CL, Ishimori M, Jonsson H, Karjalainen T, Leung YY, Maheu E, Mallen CD, Moe RH, Ramonda R, Ritschl V, Stamm TA, Szekanecz Z, van der Giesen FJ, Ritt M, Wittoek R, Kjeken I, Osteras N, van de Stadt LA, Englund M, Dziedzic KS, Marshall M, Bierma-Zeinstra S, Hansen P, Greibrokk E, Smeets W, Kloppenburg M. Development of radiographic classification criteria for hand osteoarthritis: a methodological report (Phase 2). RMD Open. 2022;8(1). Epub 2022/02/06. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2021-002024. PubMed PMID: 35121640; PMCID: PMC8819785
Liew JW, Peloquin C, Tedeschi SK, Felson DT, Zhang Y, Choi HK, Terkeltaub R, Neogi T. Proton Pump Inhibitors and Risk of Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition in a Population-Based Study. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2022. Epub 2022/03/05. doi: 10.1002/acr.24876. PubMed PMID: 35245410.
Baker JF, Weber DR, Neogi T, George MD, Long J, Helget LN, England BR, Mikuls TR Associations Between Low Serum Urate, Body Composition, and Mortality. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2023 Jan;75(1):133-140. doi: 10.1002/art.42301. Epub 2022 Nov 28.PMID: 35974440
Wallace BI, Moore MN, Heisler AC, Muhammad LN, Song J, Clauw DJ, Bingham CO, Bolster MB, Marder W, Neogi T, Wohlfahrt A, Dunlop DD, Lee YC. Fibromyalgianess and glucocorticoid persistence among patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 Apr 11;61(4):1556-1562. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keab583.PMID: 34293092
Lui JK, Sangani RA, Chen CA, Bujor AM, Trojanowski MA, Gopal DM, LaValley MP, Soylemez Wiener R, Klings ES. Prognostic Value of Cardiac Axis Deviation in Systemic Sclerosis-Related Pulmonary Hypertension. Res (Hoboken). 2022 Jul;74(7):1219-1226. doi: 10.1002/acr.24724. Epub 2022 Apr 5. PMID: 34085410
Felson D, Feathers V, Naik C, Solomon DH, Weinblatt ME, Shadick N. Meaning of patient global assessment when joint counts are low in rheumatoid arthritis. RMD Open. 2022 Jun;8(2):e002346. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2022-002346. PMID: 35738804
Murphy MT, Wang N, Felson DT, Nevitt MC, Lewis CE, Frey-Law L, Guermazi A, Segal NA. Association between Hamstring Coactivation during Isokinetic Quadriceps Strength Testing and Knee Cartilage Worsening over 24 Months. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2022. Epub 2022/03/22. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2022.03.002. PubMed PMID: 35307535.
Roemer FW, Felson DT, Stefanik JJ, Rabasa G, Wang N, Crema MD, Neogi T, Nevitt MC, Torner J, Lewis CE, Peloquin C, Guermazi A. Heterogeneity of cartilage damage in Kellgren and Lawrence grade 2 and 3 knees: the MOST study. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2022. Epub 2022/02/25. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2022.02.614. PubMed PMID: 35202808
Stewart S, Phipps-Green A, Gamble GD, Stamp LK, Taylor WJ, Neogi T, Merriman TR, Dalbeth N. Is repeat serum urate testing superior to a single test to predict incident gout over time? PLoS One. 2022;17(2):e0263175. Epub 2022/02/02. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263175. PubMed PMID: 35104298; PMCID: PMC8806054
Wei J, Choi HK, Neogi T, Dalbeth N, Terkeltaub R, Stamp LK, Lyu H, McCormick N, Niu J, Zeng C, Lei G, Zhang Y. Allopurinol Initiation and All-Cause Mortality Among Patients With Gout and Concurrent Chronic Kidney Disease : A Population-Based Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med. 2022. Epub 2022/01/25. doi: 10.7326/M21-2347. PubMed PMID: 35073156
Aoyagi K, Neogi T, Peloquin C, Dubreuil M, Marinko L, Camarinos J, Felson DT, Kumar D. Association of physical therapy interventions with long-term opioid use after total knee replacement. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(10):e2131271. Epub 2021/10/28. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.31271. PMID: 34705013; PMCID: PMC8552057.
Ballal P, Peloquin C, Boer CG, Neogi T. Warfarin use and risk of knee and hip replacements. Ann Rheum Dis. 2021;80(5):605-609. Epub 2021/08/12. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-219646. PMID: 34380108; PMCID: PMC8361882.
Carlesso LC, Hawker GA, Torner J, Lewis CE, Nevitt M, Neogi T, Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study G. Association of intermittent and constant knee pain patterns with knee pain severity and with radiographic knee osteoarthritis duration and severity. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2021;73(6):788-793. Epub 2020/03/22. doi: 10.1002/acr.24194. PMID: 32198833; PMCID: PMC7502437.
Moore MN, Wallace BI, Song J, Muhammad LN, Heisler AC, Clauw DJ, Bolster MB, Marder W, Neogi T, Wohlfahrt A, Dunlop DD, Lee YC. Correlation of Fibromyalgia Survey Questionnaire and Quantitative Sensory Testing Among Patients With Active Rheumatoid Arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2022 Sep;49(9):1052-1057. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.220046. Epub 2022 Jun 1.PMID: 35649554
Chang GH, Park LK, Le NA, Jhun RS, Surendran T, Lai J, Seo H, Promchotichai N, Yoon G, Scalera J, Capellini TD, Felson DT, Kolachalama VB. Subchondral bone length in knee osteoarthritis: A deep learning-derived imaging measure and its association with radiographic and clinical outcomes. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2021;73(12):2240-2248. Epub 2021/05/12. doi: 10.1002/art.41808. PMID: 33973737; PMCID: PMC8581065.
Chen AT, Bronsther CI, Stanley EE, Paltiel AD, Sullivan JK, Collins JE, Neogi T, Katz JN, Losina E. The value of total knee replacement in patients with knee osteoarthritis and a body mass index of 40 kg/m(2) or greater: A cost-effectiveness analysis. Ann Intern Med. 2021;174(6):747-757. Epub 2021/03/23. doi: 10.7326/M20-4722. PMID: 33750190; PMCID: PMC8288249.
Costello KE, Felson DT, Neogi T, Segal NA, Lewis CE, Gross KD, Nevitt MC, Lewis CL, Kumar D. Ground reaction force patterns in knees with and without radiographic osteoarthritis and pain: descriptive analyses of a large cohort (the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study). Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2021;29(8):1138-1146. Epub 2021/03/25. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2021.03.009. PMID: 33757856; PMCID: PMC8319033.
Danve A, Sehra ST, Neogi T. Role of diet in hyperuricemia and gout. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2021;35(4):101723. Epub 2021/11/23. doi: 10.1016/j.berh.2021.101723. PMID: 34802900; PMCID: PMC8678356.
Felson DT, Misra D, LaValley M, Clancy M, Chen X, Lichtenstein A, Matthan N, Torner J, Lewis CE, Nevitt MC. Fatty acids and osteoarthritis: the MOST study. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2021;29(7):973-978. Epub 2021/03/25. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2021.03.006. PMID: 33757857; PMCID: PMC8217156.
Gates LS, Perry TA, Golightly YM, Nelson AE, Callahan LF, Felson D, Nevitt M, Jones G, Cooper C, Batt ME, Sanchez-Santos MT, Arden NK. Recreational physical activity and risk of incident knee osteoarthritis: An International meta-analysis of individual participant-level data. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2021. Epub 2021/11/04. doi: 10.1002/art.42001. PMID: 34730279.
Kuusalo L, Felson DT, Wang N, Lewis CE, Torner J, Nevitt MC, Neogi T, Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study G. Metabolic osteoarthritis – relation of diabetes and cardiovascular disease with knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2021;29(2):230-234. Epub 2020/12/01. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2020.09.010. PMID: 33253888; PMCID: PMC8020447.
Liew JW, Kim SC, Peloquin C, Felson DT, Jin Y, Lii J, Neogi T. Knee osteonecrosis incidence from two real-world data sources. Osteoarthr Cartil Open. 2021;3(2). Epub 2021/05/08. doi: 10.1016/j.ocarto.2021.100169. PMID: 33959724; PMCID: PMC8096165.
Lui JK, Sangani RA, Chen CA, Bujor AM, Trojanowski MA, Gopal DM, LaValley MP, Wiener RS, Klings ES. The prognostic value of cardiac axis deviation in systemic sclerosis-related pulmonary hypertension. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2021. Epub 2021/06/05. doi: 10.1002/acr.24724. PMID: 34085410; PMCID: PMC8639831.
Macri EM, Neogi T, Jarraya M, Guermazi A, Roemer F, Lewis CE, Torner JC, Lynch JA, Tolstykh I, Jafarzadeh SR, Stefanik JJ. Can MRI-defined osteoarthritis features explain anterior knee pain in individuals with, or at risk for, knee osteoarthritis? The MOST Study. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2021. Epub 2021/03/27. doi: 10.1002/acr.24604. PMID: 33768706; PMCID: PMC8463633.
Master H, Neogi T, LaValley M, Thoma LM, Zhang Y, Voinier D, Christiansen MB, White DK. Does the 1-year decline in walking speed predict mortality risk beyond current walking speed in adults with knee osteoarthritis? J Rheumatol. 2021;48(2):279-285. Epub 2020/12/02. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.200259. PMID: 33259329; PMCID: PMC7854382.
Morillon MB, Christensen R, Singh JA, Dalbeth N, Saag K, Taylor WJ, Neogi T, Kennedy MA, Pedersen BM, McCarthy GM, Shea B, Diaz-Torne C, Tedeschi SK, Grainger R, Abhishek A, Gaffo A, Nielsen SM, Noerup A, Simon LS, Lassere M, Tugwell P, Stamp LK, Gout Working Group FTO. Serum urate as a proposed surrogate outcome measure in gout trials: From the OMERACT working group. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2021;51(6):1378-1385. Epub 2021/11/30. doi: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2021.11.004. PMID: 34839932.
Neogi T, Peloquin C, Ballal P, Boer CG. Response to: ‘Correspondence on ‘Warfarin use and risk of knee and hip replacements” by Cheng and Zhang. Ann Rheum Dis. 2021. Epub 2021/05/15. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2021-220601. PMID: 33985943; PMCID: PMC8589856.
Sinha P, Jafarzadeh SR, Assoumou SA, Bielick CG, Carpenter B, Garg S, Harleen S, Neogi T, Nishio MJ, Sagar M, Sharp V, Kissin EY. The effect of il-6 inhibitors on mortality among hospitalized COVID-19 patients: A multicenter study. J Infect Dis. 2021;223(4):581-588. Epub 2020/11/21. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa717. PMID: 33216906; PMCID: PMC7717300.
Stovall R, Peloquin C, Felson D, Neogi T, Dubreuil M. Relation of NSAIDs, DMARDs, and TNF inhibitors for ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis to risk of total hip and knee arthroplasty. J Rheumatol. 2021;48(7):1007-1013. Epub 2021/01/17. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.200453. PMID: 33452168.
Leifer VP, Katz JN, Losina E. The burden of OA-health services and economics. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2022 Jan;30(1):10-16. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2021.05.007. Epub 2021 May 20. PMID: 34023527
Afinogenova Y, Danve A, Neogi T. Update on gout management: what is old and what is new. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2022;34(2):118-124. Epub 2021/12/16. doi: 10.1097/BOR.0000000000000861. PubMed PMID: 34907116; PMCID: PMC8799507
Aoyagi K, Liew JW, Farrar JT, Wang N, Carlesso L, Kumar D, Frey Law L, Lewis CE, Nevitt M, Neogi T. Does weight-bearing versus non-weight-bearing pain reflect different pain mechanisms in knee osteoarthritis?: the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study (MOST). Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2022;30(4):545-550. Epub 2021/11/22. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2021.10.014. PubMed PMID: 34801670; PMCID: PMC8940656.
Dalbeth N, Neogi T. Where are the women ‘Heroes and Pillars of Rheumatology’? Ann Rheum Dis. 2022. Epub 2022/02/06. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2021-222047. PubMed PMID: 35121589.
Maxwell JL, Neogi T, Crossley KM, Macri EM, White D, Guermazi A, Roemer FW, Nevitt MC, Lewis CE, Torner JC, Stefanik JJ. Relation of MRI-Detected Features of Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis to Pain, Performance-Based Function, and Daily Walking: The Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study. ACR Open Rheumatol. 2022;4(2):161-167. Epub 2021/11/19. doi: 10.1002/acr2.11361. PubMed PMID: 34792868; PMCID: PMC8843751
Mikuls TR, Soto Q, Petro A, Helget L, Roul P, Sayles H, Cope B, Neogi T, LaMoreaux B, O’Dell JR, England BR. Comparison of Rates of Lower Extremity Amputation in Patients With and Without Gout in the US Department of Veterans Affairs Health System. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(1):e2142347. Epub 2022/01/07. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.42347. PubMed PMID: 34989795; PMCID: PMC8739736.
Perry TA, O’Neill TW, Tolstykh I, Lynch J, Felson DT, Arden NK, Nevitt MC. Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Assessed Subchondral Cysts and Incident Knee Pain and Knee Osteoarthritis: Data From the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2022;74(1):60-69. Epub 2021/07/06. doi: 10.1002/art.41917. PubMed PMID: 34224660.
Bacon K, LaValley MP, Jafarzadeh SR, Felson D. Does cartilage loss cause pain in osteoarthritis and if so, how much? Ann Rheum Dis. 2020;79(8):1105-1110. Epub 2020/05/10. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217363. PMID: 32381567.
Ballal P, Sury M, Lu N, Duryea J, Zhang Y, Ratzlaff C, Neogi T. The relation of oral bisphosphonates to bone marrow lesion volume among women with osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2020;28(10):1325-1329. Epub 2020/08/10. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2020.07.006. PMID: 32768598; PMCID: PMC7530037.
Collins NJ, Neogi T, Vicenzino B, Guermazi A, Roemer FW, Lewis CE, Torner JC, Nevitt MC, Stefanik JJ. Psychological and pain sensitization characteristics are associated with patellofemoral osteoarthritis symptoms: The Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study. J Rheumatol. 2020;47(11):1696-1703. Epub 2020/03/03. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.190981. PMID: 32115429; PMCID: PMC8005266.
Danve A, Neogi T. Rising global burden of gout: Time to act. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2020;72(11):1786-1788. Epub 2020/11/06. doi: 10.1002/art.41453. PMID: 33150696; PMCID: PMC7644950.
Guermazi A, Neogi T, Katz JN, Kwoh CK, Conaghan PG, Felson DT, Roemer FW. Intra-articular corticosteroid injections for the treatment of hip and knee osteoarthritis-related pain: Considerations and controversies with a focus on imaging-radiology scientific expert panel. Radiology. 2020;297(3):503-512. Epub 2020/10/21. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2020200771. PMID: 33079000; PMCID: PMC7706887.
Jafarzadeh SR, Neogi T, Stefanik JJ, Li JS, Guermazi A, Apovian CM, Felson DT. Mediating role of bone marrow lesions, synovitis, pain sensitization, and depressive symptoms on knee pain improvement following substantial weight loss. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2020;72(3):420-427. Epub 2019/09/29. doi: 10.1002/art.41125. PMID: 31562683; PMCID: PMC7050338.
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