New publication out of the Perrissi Lab “Inhibition of K63 ubiquitination by G-Protein Pathway Suppressor 2 (GPS2) regulates mitochondria-associated translation”
The Perissi Lab has recently published in Pharmacological Research a paper titled “Inhibition of K63 ubiquitination by G-Protein Pathway Suppressor […]
Congratulations to all the Biochemistry Faculty members awarded Dahod Pilot Grants
Congratulations to Alla Grishok, Valentina Perissi, Bob Varelas and Cathy Costello, who were all awarded Dahod Pilot Grants. Alla Grishok, […]
New Publication – Researchers Identify Novel PARP-like Enzyme in Mitochondria
The Perissi Lab in collaboration with the Emili Lab has a new publication that came out on February 14th in […]