Medical Campus Electrical Shutdown | Saturdays or Sundays, Oct. 30-Dec. 19
Beginning Saturday, Oct. 30, through Sunday, Dec. 19, Facilities will be testing the main breakers and transformer connections to BUMC buildings. This means that power will be out in the buildings during the testing. The testing will impact each building for one Saturday or Sunday.
On the Thursday/Friday before each scheduled shutdown Facilities will coordinate with any offices requiring extension cords to enable sensitive equipment to run on auxiliary power. To request an extension cord or if you have questions, please contact Greg Walker (
Departments should safeguard their equipment by powering off PCs, copiers, lab equipment, etc.
Buildings impacted will be:
- K Building | 71 E. Concord St. | Oct. 30
- Talbot | 715 Albany St. | Nov. 6
- Garages | 610 and 710 Albany St. | Nov. 13
- J Building | 609 Albany St. | Nov. 20
- R Building | 72 E. Concord St. | Dec. 4
- X Building | 650 Albany St. | Dec. 11
- W Building | 700 Albany St. | Dec. 12
- Evans Building | 75 E. Newton St. | Dec. 18
- L Building | 72 E. Concord St. | Dec. 19