Reminder: Where to Eat on the Medical Campus
Eating and/or drinking is permitted only in the designated areas below but not in public spaces such as the L Building Lobby, the library or any classroom.
Designated areas: While eating outdoors is the safest option, here are some other options for you to consider:
- If you have an individual office, the safest place is to shut your door and eat alone.
- Chequers Café area in the Instructional Building basement has been modified to maintain safe physical distancing.
- Hiebert Lounge and W Building lobby: Tables have been added while maintaining mandated physical distancing. Tables and chairs may not be moved/rearranged.
- Most departments and floors have conference rooms that have been modified to maintain safe physical distancing. Ideally shut the door and eat alone. Be sure to wipe down surfaces before and after each use.
- Other spaces can be identified by departments and administrative units with cleaning coordinated when not in use.
Please remember: You must wear a face covering and maintain at least 6 feet physical distancing when not eating or drinking.