2/4 Provost Workshop: Exploring Opportunities at the Nexus of Computing, Data Sciences

You are invited to a two-hour, interactive symposium to discuss the best strategies for Medical Campus faculty, students and staff to engage with current and future University initiatives at the nexus of Computing and Data Sciences.

Join Azer Bestavros, PhD, Warren Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, and Associate Provost for Computing & Data Sciences.

Dr. Bestavros leads the Data Science Initiative, launched in 2014 to expand the University’s data science footprint through new programs, tracks and faculty support initiatives, and was selected as inaugural Associate Provost to lead the faculty of Computing & Data Sciences.


3 p.m | Welcome and introduction

3:30 p.m. | Small group discussions that address:

  • What we have
  • Where we want to go
  • How do we get there
  • How can we collaborate

3:45-4:30 p.m. | Presentations of the group discussion topics including:

  • Education planning: BUMC Courses for students, faculty and staff, health data science degree programs, machine learning and learning analytics
  • Research planning:
    • Genetics, proteomics, imaging, analysis of molecular structures and machine learning
    • Epidemiology and bioinformatics of large cohorts
    • CTSI and the BMC clinical database

5 p.m. | Adjourn

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