Learn About the Outreach Van Project (OVP) in Current Newsletter

ovp_logoThe Outreach Van Project (OVP) is student-run, volunteer organization that involves a multi-disciplinary team of students from the Boston University Medical Campus (BUMC), including dental, public health, medical, and graduate students. The mission is to fulfill the unmet needs of the medically underserved populations in the Greater Boston area, particularly with regard to health care and access to services, while providing an opportunity for students to learn skills in community outreach. More than 1400 people are served annually in the East Boston community.

The OVP primarily serves homeless, indigent, or underinsured men, although women and children are also served. Approximately 65 percent are immigrants or speak English as a second language (primarily Spanish speaking from El Salvador). The program provides an excellent opportunity for students to learn both medical and outreach skills.

Learn more about the OVP in the February newsletter.


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