Spring 2012 Thematic Seminar Series, Mitochondria: Engines of Life, Drivers of Disease, March 27

Join David G. Nicholls, PhD, Professor of Mitochondrial Physiology, Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, Calif., and Visiting Professor, University of Lund, Sweden as he speaks on “The bioenergetics of mitochondria in the cell.” This lecture is co-sponsored by the Department of Biochemistry and The Evans Center. It is the first part of the Spring 2012 Thematic Seminar Series, Mitochondria: Engines of Life, Drivers of Disease and will be held on Tuesday, March 27, 3 p.m. in Keefer Auditorium.

David Nicholls
David Nicholls

David Nicholls has researched mitochondrial function for more than 45 years and has authored 280 publications. He may be  best known as the author, now with Stuart Ferguson, of the standard textbook Bioenergetics; for his discovery of the original uncoupling protein, UCP1; for work on mitochondrial calcium transport and isolated nerve terminals; and for his research into mitochondrial dysfunction in nerve cells. Presently Dr. Nicholls is working on unraveling some of the bioenergetic complexities of insulin secretion.

Dr. Nicholls established the Bioenergetics laboratory at the Buck Institute in California in 2000. He retains a part-time position in the Institute and spends three-to-four months a year at the bench helping to develop novel techniques to investigate in situ mitochondrial bioenergetics. For the remainder of the year he is based in Lund, Sweden and travels extensively around the world lecturing and teaching.

Dr. Nicholls received his PhD, in Biochemistry from the University of Bristol, England. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and holder of the 2008 Mitchell Memorial Medal from the European Bioenergetics Congress.

Dr. Nicholls will be guest of honor at a noon luncheon with graduate students and post docs, in W502. He will be available for conversation at a reception, 4 p.m., in the Evans Seminar Room, E112A.

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