GSDM Holds Inaugural Research Retreat

GSDM research-retreat-200The Inaugural Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine Research Retreat was held on Feb. 2, in the Hiebert Lounge. The Retreat was put on by the Office of the Associate Dean for Research, and Associate Dean for Research Maria Kukuruzinska served as host. The event included updates on research from many departments within GSDM, a session of Elevator Pitches by six of the School’s researchers, poster presentations, and an open discussion and brainstorming session about the future of research at GSDM. Drs. Kukuruzinska, Miklos Sahin-Toth, and Yoshiyuki Mochida served as moderators for the event.

Dr. Kukuruzinska started the day off by welcoming all of the attendees and said, “I am pleased to see all of you in attendance at our first Research Retreat. I think you will find that we have a wide variety of presentations planned for today, and that we have a very diverse turnout. Today will be a great learning opportunity as well as a chance to introduce yourself to other researchers who you may not have met previously.” Dr. Kukuruzinska also thanked her staff for their hard work putting together the event, especially Operations Manager Barbara Pyke.

Dean Jeffrey W. Hutter also welcomed the group and talked about how excited he was for this event. He said, “Dr. Kukuruzinska serves as our Applied Strategic Plan Goal Champion for Research, and as such she has made excellent strides toward making the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine a premier institute for research. She has staffed the Office of the Associate Dean for Research with excellent people, and I could not be more pleased with the program that they have put together for us today. I look forward to this becoming an annual event.”

Photos are available on facebook and flickr .



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