DMD Students Attend Student Ambassador Program

Dean Jeffrey W. Hutter recently awarded Jenny Lorenzo DMD ‘13 and Fransheska Ovalles DMD ‘13 certificates in recognition of their attendance at the ADA 2011 Student Ambassador Program held October 2011 in Las Vegas. Assistant Dean of Students Dr. Joseph Calabrese was also in attendance and congratulated the duo on a job well done.GSDM ambassadors-200

This was Lorenzo’s second time attending the Student Ambassador Program and Ovalles’s first. The focus of the program was on recruiting more underrepresented minorities to dental school. The pair learned strategies to achieve this, heard lectures on related topics, and came home with a vast array of resources. They say the next step is working with Students Affairs and GSDM chapters of student groups to find ways to implement what they learned at GSDM.

“It is very important for our students to attend and represent the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine at programs of this nature,” said Dean Hutter. “I am confident that Jenny and Fransheska did an excellent job representing us and I know they have the drive—and by working with Student Affairs, the resources—necessary to begin implementing their new knowledge at our School. I can’t wait to see what they come up with!”

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