Free Infectious Diseases Symposium, Oct. 1, Register Now!

The Annual Infectious Diseases Symposium, “Inflammation in Disease Pathogenesis” will be held Saturday, Oct. 1. This symposium brings together researchers from regional institutions with an interest in inflammation and disease. Four outstanding speakers will present their work with sufficient time for discussion and informal interactions among participants. The goal is to facilitate collaborations within the Greater Boston area and to pursue new lines of investigation. Registration is complimentary to meeting attendees.symposium image web

The speakers represent a broad spectrum of researchers interested in inflammation, both pathogen-specific and sterile inflammation. Dr. Caroline A. Genco, Research Director, Section of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, and Professor, Department of Microbiology, Boston University School of Medicine, will provide introductory remarks.

Invited speakers include: Ulrich von Andrian, MD, PhD, Harvard Medical School; Kathryn Moore, PhD, New York University; Dan Portnoy, PhD, University of California Berkeley; Paul Kubes, PhD, University of Calgary, Canada. Dr. von Andrian works in the field of immunology, focusing on blood cell and immune cell migration as well as T cell differentiation; Dr. Moore’s research consists of the role of the innate immune system in sterile inflammatory conditions and host defense; Dr. Portnoy is focused on microbial pathogenesis and host defense against infection; Dr. Kubes works on molecular mechanisms in response to infection and sterile inflammation. The  first Infectious Disease symposium  focuses on  inflammation and disease pathogenesis.

The Annual Infectious Diseases Symposium is co-sponsored by the Section of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Boston Medical Center, and the Boston University School of Medicine. Complimentary registration and additional information can be found at

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