About the Committee


The Sustainability Committee is tasked with identifying, communicating, and promoting best practices with regard to energy reduction measures, waste management, and sustainability at BUMC.  By utilizing BUMC’s incredible intellectual and physical resources, the Committee works to best mitigate the negative effects of our campus’s operations on the planet.  The Committee is dedicated to developing operating procedures at the BUMC that are economically viable and reflect the core mission of the campus to heal and educate.

Currently, the Committee is actively facilitating the BUMC’s recycling program, as well as coordinating several energy reduction investigations and waste management strategies.  The Committee is made up of an entirely volunteer group of students, staff and faculty at the BUMC.


Started as a working group in the Fall of 2007, the Sustainability Committee initially focused solely on energy conservation, but as it became clear that energy conservation was connected to a number of other sustainability issues on campus, the group’s mission expanded to consider other areas such as waste management and purchasing.  In fall 2008, the Sustainability Committee launched its first major initiative in the form of its Sustainability Departmental Liaison-focused BUMC recycling pilot.


The Sustainability Committee is made up of 16 members representing all three academic programs at the student and staff level, and the major administrative departments on campus.  Currently, the Sustainability Committee meets once a month to discuss new initiatives.

Chairman: Dave Rini, Manager of Housing Resources

Committee Members:

BU School of Medicine: Dr. John Polk (Assistant Dean, Office of Student Affairs), Jo Ann Walsh (Manager, Fac. Systems and Projects, Dean’s Office), Quang Nguyen (Student), Andrew Ferree (Student)

BU School of Public Health: Sally Dwyer (Operations Manager)

BU Goldman School of Dental Medicine: Linda Reed (Associate Director of Admissions), Dee Gulis (Student)

BUMC Administration: Lucy Milne (Director, Educational Media), Steve Monstur (Environmental Manager, Environmental Health and Safety), Maureen Lacey (Director, TranSComm), Chris Mathieu (Manager of Fiscal Operations, Facilities Management), Antonietta Gobiel (Business Analyst/Project Manager, Business and Financial Affairs), Taylor Hill (Purchasing)

The Committee is overseen by Bill Gasper, Associate Vice-President, Financial and Business Affairs

July 7, 2009
Primary teaching affiliate
of BU School of Medicine