BUPID Top-Down
BUPID Top-Down: Software Tools for Analysis of Top-Down MS/MS Spectra – Coming Soon!
BUPID (Boston University Protein Identifier) Top-Down is a web-based platform developed at the Cardiovascular Proteomics Center of Boston University School of Medicine (Boston, MA). The platform provides the means to analyze top-down MS/MS spectra obtained with a number of fragmentation methods, including CID, ECD, and ETD. Several software tools are available and may be used in any combination.
Tools Available
- Deconvolution
- Protein identification
- Fragment ion assignment
- Sequence variant analysis
- Mass shift analysis
Input Requirements
- Deconvoluted peak list or, for raw data, mzML or mzXML files without compression
- Additional information depending on selected tools
- Raw results in YAML format
- Built-in visualization tools
- Convenient download for further analysis (manual; other software)
BUPID Top-Down was developed at the Cardiovascular Proteomics Center of Boston University School of Medicine (Boston, MA). The software tools are freely available for external testing. We assume no responsibility for their use, and we make no guarantees, whether expressed or implied, about their performance or any other characteristics. We would appreciate acknowledgment of our organization if BUPID Top-Down is used.
- Top-down tandem mass spectrometry on RNase A and B using a Qh/FT-ICR hybrid mass spectrometer
Sandrine Bourgoin-Voillard, Nancy Leymarie, and Catherine E. Costello, Proteomics 2014, 14(10), 1174-1184.
PMID: 24687996
PMCID: PMC4095805
[PubMed – in process]
- Top-down analysis of small plasma proteins using an LTQ-Orbitrap. Potential for mass spectrometry-based clinical assays for transthyretin and hemoglobin
Roger Theberge, Giuseppe Infusini, Weiwei Tong, Mark E. McComb, and Catherine E. Costello, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 2011, 300(2-3), 130-142.
PMID: 21607198
PMCID: PMC3098445
Conference Presentations
- Automated protein identification and sequencing using top-down MS data
Christian Heckendorf, Roger Theberge, Jean L. Spencer, Catherine E. Costello, and Mark E. McComb, ASMS 2014, Baltimore, MD.
- Algorithm for identification and sequencing of protein variants using top-down MS data
Christian Heckendorf, Roger Theberge, Jean L. Spencer, Catherine E. Costello, and Mark E. McComb, ASMS 2013, Minneapolis, MN.
- Development of a web-based top-down protein identification tool
Christian Heckendorf, Roger Theberge, Catherine E. Costello, and Mark E. McComb, ASMS 2012, Vancouver, BC.
- Development of a web-based top-down data analysis tool
Christian Heckendorf, Roger Theberge, Catherine E. Costello, and Mark E. McComb, ASMS 2011, Denver, CO.
- BUPID-Top-Down: Database search and assignment of top-down MS-MS data
Weiwei Tong, Roger Theberge, Giuseppe Infusini, David H. Perlman, Catherine E. Costello, and Mark E. McComb, ASMS 2009, Philadelphia, PA.