BUMC COVID-19 Advisories
Alumni Medical Library Safe Behaviors/Practices Project
The Alumni Medical Library, assisted by a team led by Tom Rose, PhD, Director, HR & Team Member, Healthway Surveillance and Response, is conducting a pilot study observing safe behaviors practiced by students on L-11, L-12 and L-13. More
UPDATE: Where to Eat on the Medical Campus
As the weather turns colder and given that face coverings must be worn in public places such as the L Building lobby, library and classrooms, you will need to find other places to eat. While outdoors is still preferred, here are some choices for you to consider. More
Weekly Safe Return to BUMC Update: Sept. 24
Researchers please review plans and submit revisions as needed as research activities continue to ramp up on campus. The Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine held a virtual training for its new Carbon M Series 3D printer (a large-scale production printer capable of printing 20 dental models in as little as two hours) More
Weekly Safe Return to BUMC Update: Sept. 17
Sign up for the BUMC Flu Shot clinic Sept. 21-25. Researchers, PPE is available through the PPE Supply Center. The Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine continues to move forward with Phase 3 resumption of in-person patient care. More
Weekly Safe Return to BUMC Update: Sept. 10
Check out "Ask the Expert," a new Q&A feature, revised classroom hours, Zoom reminders, and research and GSDM updates. More
Plan for Symptomatic Student Testing for All BUMC Students (MD, GMS, Dental, SPH)
Boston Medical Center is providing on-campus testing thru its Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) Clinic for BUMC students who have symptoms and are advised by BU Healthway, BU’s SHS portal to its COVID-19 community health services, to get COVID testing. More
Weekly Safe Return to BUMC Update: Sept. 3
The virtual GMS Orientation for incoming Master’s and PhD students was held on Monday, Aug 31. GSDM will expand its Saturday schedule beginning Sept. 12. More
Weekly Safe Return to BUMC Update: Aug. 27
BU moves forward in phase 3 of its four-phase reopening and provides a clear explanation of the required public health guidelines. GSDM will open its new Simulation Learning Center on Saturdays, beginning Aug. 29, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. for pre- and postdoctoral academic sessions and individual practice. More
COVID-19 Violations and Repercussions
The following was sent to all BU students on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 by Kenneth Elmore, JD, Associate Provost and Dean of Students. More
8/21 GSDM Update from Dean Hutter
Dean Hutter shares information about public health commitments and expectations, updates on biomedical research, clinical activities and elevator capacity. More