Congratulations to the undergraduate students in the Biochemistry Department that presented at the 24th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium.
- Jessica Chen, Project Title: Identification of Small Molecule Inhibitor IGGi-11 of GIV-Gai Interaction for Cancer-Associated Signaling Complex Targeting
Mentor: Mikel Garcia-Marcos - Yongting Chen, Project Title: LC-MS/MS Analysis of Glycans Derivatized with a Reducing-end Fixed Charge
Mentor: Cheng Lin - William Dorst, Project Title: Setting Up Studies of Flamenco Mutant Flies and P-element Transposition in S2 Cells
Mentor: Nelson Lau - David Garcia, Project Title: The Localization of Golgin and P2X7 in Cell-Cell Signaling and Migration in the Context of Corneal Wound Healing in Diabetic and Normal Mice Models Mentor: Vickery Trinkaus-Randall
- Amber Liu, Project Title: Characterizing the Role of Aortic Carboxypeptidase-like Protein in Connective Tissue Disease Mentor: Matthew Layne
- Timothy Liu, Project Title: Use of Electron Microscopy to Characterize Aα-PrPC Assembly’s Structures Faculty
Mentor: David Harris - Max Lohse, Project Title: Creation of a Conditional hnRNPUL1 Knock-out in Human Cell Culture Using CRISPR/Cas9
Mentor: Michael Blower - James Lu, Project Title: The Effect of the Hippo Pathway on Multiciliated Cells in the Airway Epithelium Faculty
Mentor: Xaralabos Varelas - Elaine Park, Project Title: Reconstitution of RNAi in Zebrafish Mentor: Daniel Cifuentes
- Xiaoyu Zhang, Project Title: Improving the Accuracy of Glycan Structural Assignments with Stable Isotope Labeling
Mentor: Catherine E Costello