Q: What is a clinical research study?
A: A clinical research study is a scientific study in which the subjects are human volunteers. Clinical research studies allow researchers and clinicians to come up with new ways to treat and manage medical conditions by testing new methods.
Q: What are the benefits of participating in a clinical research study?
A: Participating in clinical research studies gives participants access to new treatments before they are available for public consumption. Additionally, these treatments are provided at no cost to the participant. Furthermore, participants contribute to the development of new treatments and therapies that can help future patients.
Q: What are the risks of participating in a clinical research study?
A: The risks of participating in a clinical research study vary from one study to the next. Some studies will pose risks of minor discomfort, while others may pose risks that could require medical attention. Be sure you understand all of the risks of a study, before agreeing to volunteer.
Q: Are clinical research studies confidential?
A: Researchers will make every effort to keep your information confidential. Typically, the research team assigns a subject ID number to each participant to de-identify any participant data. Although the team works hard to maintain the privacy of your information, there is always a small risk of loss of confidentiality.
Q: Are participants compensated for volunteering in clinical research studies?
A: Sometimes, participants are compensated for their time and/or travel. The amount of compensation varies from study to study.
Q: Can I participate in a clinical research study if I’m under the age of 18?
A: Some clinical research studies allow minors (individuals under the age of 18) to participate; however, others may only allow adults (individuals aged 18 and up) to participate. Studies that allow minors to participate may require a parent or guardian to provide informed consent on behalf of the minor.
Q: How will I know if I can participate in a specific study?
A: Each clinical research study has a different set of eligibility criteria. Often, there are screening procedures in place to determine if participants are eligible, before they begin the study procedures. You can always reach out to the research team to find out if you meet their preliminary criteria.
Q: Is participating in a research study right for me?
A: Ultimately, participating in research is a personal decision. If you would like to participate in a certain study, however, discuss any concerns you have with your clinician and the research staff to ensure you fully understand the risks and benefits.
FAQs adapted from: https://floridachest.com/pulmonary-blog/id6gaesy3mca9dhmxd2dxytkixxhjo
OB/GYN Clinic, Yawkey Ambulatory Care Center, 5th Floor, Boston Medical Center, 850 Harrison Avenue, Boston, MA 02118
⌨ dg-infofp@bmc.org | ☏ 617-383-3500