ASMS 2011

Schedule of abstracts presented by Cardiovascular Proteomics Center and Mass Spectrometry Resource investigators at the 59th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Denver, Colorado, June 5-9, 2011. Text of abstracts below.

Abstracts Presented by CPC Investigators:

Bhatia VN, Perlman DH, Costello CE, McComb ME. Software and Algorithm for Differential Characterization of Post-Translational Modifications.

Heckendorf C, Theberge R, Costello CE, McComb. Development of a Web-based Top-Down Data Interpretation Tool.

Kehasse A, Leymarie N, Trinkhaus-Randall, McComb ME, Costello CE. Comprehensive Phosphopeptide Enrichment Strategy for Analysis of Complex Biological Samples.

McComb ME, Bhatia VN, Siwik DA, Leymarie NM, Perlman DH, Cohen RA, Colucci W, Costello CE. Peptide and PTM Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Disease in a Mouse Model.

Sargaeva NP, Lin C, O’Connor PB. Challenges in identification of an N-terminal isoaspartic acid residue.

Theberge R, Leymarie N, McComb ME, Costello CE. Temoglobin Variant Analysis Using an LTQ-Orbitrap Top-down Platform with ETD, HCD and LTQ-CID.

Xu X, Meriin AB, Leymarie N, McComb ME, Sherman MY, Costello CE. Identification of novel synphilin-1 interactors involved in aggresome formation and Parkinson disease pathogenesis using Tandem Affinity Purification and Mass Spectrometry