Crime Prevention and Campus Safety

Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, Nov. 5, resulting in fewer hours of daylight. At this time each year, the Public Safety Department reminds our community about safety awareness. Personal safety and security are the shared responsibility of everyone. By following some simple and effective practices you can decrease the likelihood of being victimized. Take precautions to protect your personal and BUMC/BMC property from theft or loss. Remember if you “See Something, Say Something.”

The following safety tips can help keep you stay safe and secure.

When traveling on or off campus:

  • Pay attention to your surroundings; stay alert as to those around you, as well as, what is happening around you at all times.
  • Use the Buddy System when walking to or from work.
  • Walk along well-lit, populated areas. Avoid unfamiliar shortcuts and remain alert.
  • Become familiar with the locations of the Blue Light Emergency Call boxes around the campus. These provide communication with Public Safety personnel 24×7.
  • Avoid using devices that will distract you from recognizing danger signs or reduce your level of awareness to your surroundings. These include cell phones, mobile device or earphones while in public places. Being distracted can make you an easy target.
  • When assisting strangers with directions or engaged in conversation always keep a safe distance.
  • Be conscious of strangers using distracting techniques, which may give them the opportunity to take your belongings.
  • Be conscious not to publicly display cash or expensive electronic devices.
  • Have your car or home key in your hand before you reach the door. Do not spend time at your destination searching for your keys.
  • When approaching your vehicle always look into your rear seat area before getting in.
  • Once inside your vehicle keep the doors locked until you are ready to exit.
  • Keep valuables and other items such as packages, briefcases and backpacks out of view when leaving your vehicle unattended.

In the Workplace:

  • Wear your BU or BMC Identification badge at all times.
  • Never compromise safety or security for the sake of convenience. Please do not prop doors that are intended to be locked.
  • Always close and lock your office or work area when you leave for any period of time
  • Be familiar with Campus escort service schedules and how to access them.
  • Avoid granting access to anyone you’re unfamiliar with when entering “Card Access” areas. This is called “piggy-backing” and can allow unauthorized persons access to restricted areas.
  • Avoid leaving personal electronic devices and laptop computer unattended.
  • Keep your purse, wallet, keys and other valuables with you at all times or secured in a locked drawer or cabinet.
  • Carry only a minimal amount of cash while at school or in the workplace.
  • Avoid carrying important personal documents such as passports, visa, or social security cards unless absolutely necessary.
  • Immediately report any suspicious activity or persons to Public Safety at414-4444.

Visit the Public Safety website for additional crime prevention information and brochures on personal protection, workplace safety and home security.

Questions or concerns about personal safety? Contact:

Bill Gibbons
Director of Public Safety, | 414-4443.


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